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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺灣彰化縣田中鎮臺語常用詞彙之研究 
作者 陳麗幸 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 493 
中文摘要 本論文以「田野調查」的方式,進行臺語常用詞彙之調查與研究,共得9264個常用詞彙,除了對常用度最高的前1075個詞作「詞性」、「事類」、「構詞法」分析、探討外,並與臺中縣大甲鎮、彰化縣秀水鄉作比較研究,以了解臺語常用詞彙之分布與使用情形,提供編纂臺語教材與教學之參考依據。 
英文摘要 Writer of the thesis conducted a field study for the survey and research of frequently used words and phrases in the Taiwanese dialect, and found 9,264 frequently used words and phrases. In addition to analysis and research on syntactical functions, morphological features, categorical terms, and word formation for the most frequently used 1,075 words, the writer also makes a study comparison between Taichung County’s Dajia Township, and Changhua County’s Hsiushui Township to better understand the distribution and application of frequently used Taiwanese words and phrases as a basis for orientation in compiling teaching materials for dialect education. 
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出版者 國立新竹師範學院進修暨推廣部教師在職進修臺灣語言與語文教育研究所語文教學碩士班 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 臺語(臺語);詞彙;臺語詞彙;詞彙調查;語言調查;彰化縣;田中鎮;詞彙分類;詞頻;常用詞彙;詞性;事類;構詞;詞彙分級