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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 彰化縣田中鎮「牌樓厝」街屋空間構成之研究 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 247 
叢書名 空間設計系碩士班(雲林科技大學);1 
中文摘要 臺灣早期的街屋大都出現在舟運發達的河港聚落,以渡口轉運的交通條件而興起.但因陸運的開發而崛起成為據點的聚落,使得街屋的分佈不再侷限於沿海及河口地區,逐漸推向內陸或山地區域.此外,河港聚落街屋之研究,已有一定的累積成果,但對於研究內陸、山區聚落街屋部分則較少.因此,本研究以內陸區域崛起的田中街屋聚落作為探究的目標. 
英文摘要 Most early street houses in Taiwan gathered at the river port villages which were built for river transportation. With the land transportation had been developed, street houses didn’t distribute to the coast or the river mouth. At the same time, the street houses were found in interior areas or the mountainous regions(gradually). The study of street houses in the interior and the mountainous regions are less. Consequently, the object of this research is to study Town House (a kind of street houses which were developed in interior) in Tien-Chong. 
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出版者 雲林科技大學 
出版地 雲林縣 
關鍵詞 彰化縣;田中鎮;田中街屋;空間構成;地方性;使用模式