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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 烏日石螺潭林火藍家族之研究 
作者 林佳灵 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 230 
中文摘要 本論文以研究「烏日石螺潭林火藍家族」為題,其中的主要人物「林火藍」,為臺中縣烏日鄉石螺潭,林氏族人移民來臺的第五代.根據族譜記載,石螺潭林氏族人渡海來臺的開基祖林樸慧,祖籍為福建省漳州府平和縣,生於乾隆戊寅年(乾隆23年;西元1758年).林樸慧在清朝政策開放的時空背景下,借貸船資,隻身渡臺,落腳於彰化縣境八卦山麓,從事土地拓墾工作.隨後幾代,林氏家族的農業開發重心已越過烏溪,由彰化縣快官轉移至今日烏日鄉的石螺潭地區.歷代林氏族人靠著贌田佃耕,勤耕儉用,有盈餘,則購置田產自耕的方式,迅速累積財富與田產,至第五世林火藍時期,已成為擁有土地百甲、租千石,對地方開發具有影響力的家族. 林火藍於日治時期,除了致力農業開墾,參與水利設施規劃,在教育方面,更是捐資興學足為子女、孫兒輩的表率,同時也不忘傳統儒家思想「慎終追遠」之孝道精神,與當時社會領導階層,如:林獻堂、林紀堂…等人,發起臺中林氏宗廟的興建.至於在社會服務方面,由於林火藍熱心助人、處世敦厚,日治時期至臺灣光復年間之數十載,更連續擔任「保正」、「區總代」、「庄協議會員」等要職,為地方事務排難解紛,成為令人敬重的士紳. 本文的研究方法,以歷史研究法為主,並將使用質性研究中「深度訪談法」的理論與技術,運用「口述歷史研究法」針對曾經和林火藍生活記憶有共同交集的林氏族人、烏日當地士紳、石螺潭地區耆老,依事先設計的半結構式訪談大綱進行口述訪談,並以訪談整理之逐字稿,彌補史料不足的部分. 石螺潭林火藍家族,雖然不像臺灣開發史上,其它赫赫有名的大家族,但其家族拓墾歷程,及在地區開發史中所扮演的角色與地位,在宗族觀念逐漸淡薄式微的今日,是很值得做深入探討的. 
英文摘要 The main character – Lin, Huo-Lan, in this paper was the immigration of the fifth generation of Wurith Shihluotan, Taichung Lin’s family. According to the pedigree of Lin family, the first immigrant to Taiwan was Lin, Pu-Hui, born in1758, his ancestor was from Fujian Province, China. Lin, Pu-Hui , under the policy of Ching dynasty, got a loan and sailed to Taiwan alone. After his arrival, he stayed in Ba-Gua mountain, Changhua and started to open up wasteland for farming. For the following generations, the Lins agricultural development had crossed the Wu River , from Chunghua and transfer to Wurith Shihluotan, Taichung. Because of the industrious and thrifty ancestors, they had got some profit. The Lins bought some lands and cultivate them so they rapidly accumulated some wealth and lands. To the fifth generation, Lin, Huo-Lan, they had become the influential family for developing that area. Lin, Huo-Lan had not only dedicated in agricultural development but also involved in building the water conservancy facilities. As to the education, he donated money for schools and followed Confucian thoughts like thoroughgoing about the funeral rites for parents and the worship of ancestors. The good deeds could be the honor of their offspring. He worked with the leaders of that time like Lin, Xian-Tang to build the Lins ancestors temples. As to the social service affairs, Lin was very enthusiastic about helping others and kind to the others. Lin worked as the Pao-Cheng for several decades during the Japanese period in Taiwan. He solved the problems for local business and became a respectable gentleman. The research method of this paper adopted mainly from historical method and used the theories and technologies of In-depth interviewing . The Lin, Hao-Lan family, is not like other prominent big families in Taiwan’s developing history, but he plays the important role in the area developing history. As to the decaying of the ideas of the families, it is very worthy to do some deep research. 
出版者 國立臺中教育大學 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 臺中縣;烏日鄉;石螺潭;林火藍;日治時期;保正