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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 烏坵嶼地質輻射背景調查 
作者 林豐義 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 84 
中文摘要 本文利用現場偵測和樣品分析方法來評估金門縣烏坵地區的天然背景輻射.本文共分兩部分(一)使用高存鍺偵檢系統內含4096頻道分析儀及高存鍺偵檢器,對土壤及岩石中放射核種濃度進行測定,(二)以熱發光劑量劑及碘化鈉能譜分析系統內含一5公分直徑×5公分長的碘化鈉偵檢器及220頻道分析儀,對地表光子通量率及劑量率進行監測,共計測20點. 
英文摘要 Natural radiation background in Wu-Chiu Island has been determined from field surrey and rock-core sample measurement. The research was divided into two major parts as follows: (1) to measure the radionucilde concentration contents in soil or rock samples by using the core sample technique and spectrometer consisting of a 4096 — channel pulse height analyzer and a HPGe detector. (2)field surrey were performed at 20 sites by using a TLD detector and a mobile spectrometer consisting of a 220 — channel pulse height analyzer and a 5cm.Φ x 5cm. NaI(Tl) detector . 
出版者 國立清華大學原子科學系 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 加馬射線;碘化鈉偵檢器;核種濃度;烏坵鄉