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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺灣日治時期磚造學校建築物修復之研究─ 以臺中縣清水國小為例 
作者 陳敬傑 
出版日期 2002 
中文摘要 近年來,隨著文化資產保存運動之推展,使得許多國內近代建築被指定為國定、直轄市定或縣市定古蹟與歷史建築物,其中日治時期所遺留下之歷史建築佔有相當大之比例,未來將會有許多修復調查計畫被提出.而日治時期歷史建築物之主要構造中,磚構造佔有極大之比例,如何針對磚造建築物進行修復及補強工作,是當務之急.本論文係以日治時期磚造學校建物個案-台中縣清水國小古蹟教室為探討對象,經由歷史調查、建築調查、破損調查、耐震診斷,研擬修復及補強技術之初步研究. 
英文摘要 In the recent year, there are many modern building assigned as historic buildings by the government. Meanwhile, it seems that many plans of investigations and preservation about buildings during the Japanese Occupation Period will be presented in the future. Many of the buildings which built during the Japanese Occupation Period are constructed with brick. In order to preserve the historic buildings, the most important thing is to establish firmly the method of investigations and the procedure for studying. The thesis is about a study on restoration of brick school buildings during the Japanese Occupation Period in Taiwan and I took Chin-Shoei Primary School as a sample with a series of investigations, such as historic research, architectural research, investigation of breakage and diagnosis of quake-proof. 
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出版者 逢甲大學建築及都市計畫研究所 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 日治時期;磚造;學校建築物;修復;清水國小;臺中縣;清水鎮