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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 高美濕地戶外環境教學之研究-以國小六年級學童為對象 
作者 陳黛娜 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 182 
中文摘要 本研究主要以台中縣清水鎮高美濕地進行戶外教學之研究,選擇國小六年級學生為對象,運用當地自然環境與生態資源特色,編寫統整「自然與生活科技」領域相關學科之概念, 發展適合濕地戶外環境教學的課程活動內容,並設計適合國小六年級學生程度的學習活動手冊,採用現場戶外環境解說教育的方式進行實際教學.根據學生學習手冊的實作及學習成就測驗,探討學生參與戶外環境教育教學活動的學習成效;以及運用學生學習感受問卷調查與學生訪談記錄,探討學生參與戶外環境教育教學活動的意見及看法.並針對學生學習成就測驗、學習感受問卷調查與訪談記錄等相關資料,加以整理分析;亦針對學生的學習成就測驗之前 、後測,進行顯著性考驗(t-t est)檢測,對於學習感受問卷調查與學生訪談記錄也有進一步的分析研究與探討. 研究之主要結論如下: 1、高美濕地在國小教學可運用的環境教學資源是足夠與合適的. 2、 對於本研究所設計的濕地戶外環境教學課程,經過實際的教學活動後,透過學習感受問卷的調查,學生的接受度與滿意度皆達94%以上. 3、以戶外環境解說教育的方式實施戶外環境教學後,學生的對濕地環境 之學習成效,經由顯著性考驗(t- test)檢測結果,顯示學生學習成就測驗的前、後測結果之顯著差異達p<0.01的顯著水準. 4、 經由學生學習感受問卷的調查與學生訪談的結果可發現:學生喜歡到戶外對自然生態環境中的事物作實地觀察,並且能親身體驗近距離接觸大自然的感動,亦有助於學生建構自然科學的認知概念並增加生活經驗.根據本研究結果得知,藉由濕地戶外環境教學活動,可以增強學生對環境的覺知與敏感度,也讓教師能夠善用戶外環境教育資源,提升教學活動效能,做為學校實施戶外教學的參考教材. 
英文摘要 The investigation is a study of environmental teaching in Gaumei Wetland for six graders and integrate the features of natural environment and ecological resources, and the theories of “Nature and Life Technology” to develop activities suitable for outdoor teaching in the wetland, then to design student’s learning activity manuals for the sixth graders by adopting the method of outdoor environmental interpretative education on the scene to teach students. According to doing student’s learning activity manual and learning achievement test, the investigator can explore the learning efficiency of students when they participated in outdoor environmental teaching and learning activities, and use learning feeling questionnaires and students’ interview records to explore the opinions from students taking part in outdoor environmental learning activities. Meanwhile, the data from students’ learning outcomes, opinion feedbacks and students’ interview records were collected and conducted to be evaluated. The main findings of this study are as follows: 1、 The environmental teaching material in Gaumei Wetland which can be exercised at elementary school is enough and suitable. 2、 The acceptance and satisfaction of students towards the teaching method via learning feeling questionnaires are high. According to the survey, more than 94% of the students like this approach. 3、 The learning achievement test of students for the learning efficiency in the wetland environment demonstrates the positive results of outdoor environmental interpretative education approach. The results of the t-test shows the improvement is significant. 4、 Through the results of the learning feeling questionnaires and students’ interview records, we can find that students like to observe in nature environment and be closed to the nature. Therefore, it can also help students construct the recognition concept of natural science and increase their life experiences. According to the results of this study, after outdoor environmental teaching and learning activities, students can strengthen the environmental consciousness and sensitivity. It also provide teachers a chance to utilize the outdoor environmental resources to increase the efficiency of teaching. Teachers can use this teaching approach as reference material when they implement the outdoor environmental teaching and learning activities. 
出版者 臺北市立師範學院環境教育研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 高美濕地;戶外環境教學;環境教育;臺中縣;清水鎮