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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 天主教在泰武鄉的發展及其對原住民部落文化習俗之影響 
作者 劉振友 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 185 
中文摘要 本論文的研究目的在於透過對泰武鄉天主教會發展與經營,教會如何改善原住民的生活水準及教會如何教育原住民從文盲到知識,尤其當時願意奉獻生命到原住民落後地區服務的神職人員,盡力還原其歷史圖像,梳理出泰武鄉天主教會的建立及發展.因此,本文就教會本身、信徒、文化習俗及歷史價值分別探討以聯繫出較為完整、全面性的泰武鄉天主教會全貌. 
英文摘要 The purpose of this research is to understand how churches improved the living standard of aborigines and educated aborigines from an illiterate person to a knowledgeable person through the development and management of the Catholicism of Taiwu Township. The ministers did their best to restore the historical viewpoint, and to draw a clear picture of the establishment and development of Taiwu Catholic Church. This research is aimed to explore the Taiwu Catholic Church,its, its believers, cultural custom, and the historical value, for giving an integrated and overall view of the Taiwu Catholic Church. 
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出版者 國立中山大學高階公共政策碩士班 
出版地 高雄市 
關鍵詞 屏東縣;泰武鄉;宗教;天主教;原住民