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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 沙鹿地區大氣中酸性氣體及粗細懸浮微粒特性之研究 
作者 陳舜欽 
出版日期 2000 
頁碼或冊數 100 
中文摘要 本研究針對沙鹿地區空氣中的酸性氣體(SO2,HNO2,HNO3,NH3,HCl)、粗細微粒以及其中所含之化學物質(NO2-,NO3-,SO42-,Cl-,Na+,K+,Mg2+,Ca2+)做一監測與探討.在採樣的規劃上設有兩個採樣站同時進行採樣,其中一站設於橫跨中棲路的天橋上,可視為交通區(CCROB);另一站設於弘光技術學院一棟八層高樓之屋頂,距離交通區約有九百公尺之遙,視為非交通區(HKIT).比對兩站同時監測所得之資料可看出距離交通區遠近對於空氣品質之影響.設於弘光技術學院內之測站的採樣時程包含了學期中與暑假,故其採樣結果亦可看出開學前後空氣品質的差異.採樣結果顯示:HKIT測站所測得之粗微粒濃度高於CCROB所測得之粗微粒濃度,這應是HKIT測站後方正在進行中二高營建工程之故.在細微粒方面,HKIT和CCROB兩測站之測值沒有明顯差異.HKIT測站所測得之酸性氣體及氨氣之濃度皆高於CCROB測站.HNO2和HNO3氣體之濃度在冬天較高,而在夏天較低.本研究亦配合風向資料推測空氣污染物進入採樣區之方向,結果發現:雖然台中火力發電廠位於採樣區西方,然而SO2氣體的平均濃度最高值卻來自南南西與南方,顯示對於沙鹿地區SO2濃度貢獻度最大的可能是分佈於龍井、大肚的眾多工廠.對於平衡陰陽離子物種的數據顯示,硫酸鹽、氨鹽主要分佈於細微粒,而亞硝酸鹽、硝酸鹽及氯鹽主要分佈於粗微粒.分佈於細微粒中主要的銨鹽組態為(NH4)2SO4;銨鹽與硫酸鹽在粗微粒中的分佈極少,粗微粒中主要的鹽類是以亞硝酸鹽,硝酸鹽與氯鹽的形式存在.在粗微粒的化學組成中,鈉與氯的濃度有相當高的正相關性,顯示海鹽氣膠為沙鹿地區主要的粗微粒貢獻者. 
英文摘要 Fine and coarse particles were collected by Universal sampler, and some gas species were collected by annular denuder system from June 1999 to January 2000 in Sha-Lu, Taiwan. Concentrations of gas species (SO2, HNO2, HNO3, NH3, HCl) and salt species (NO2-, NO3-, SO42-, NH4+, Cl-, Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, Na+) in particulate phase were analyzed by ion chromatography. Two sites were set inside and outside the Hung-Kuang Institute of Technology, and measurements in two sites were carried out simultaneously. The site outside school was located on an overbridge above Chung-Chi Road, named as CCROB. The sampling site inside campus was located on the roof of an eight-story building, named as HKIT. Results showed that coarse particle concentrations measured at HKIT were obviously higher than that measured at CCROB. This was caused by highway construction just right behind the HKIT sampling site. Average concentrations of all gaseous pollutants measured in this study in HKIT was higher than CCROB. Both HNO2 and HNO3 concentrations were higher in winter and lower in summer. Taichung thermal power station was not the largest contributor of SO2 to the Sha-Lu area, factories spread over Long-Jin and Da-Du were possibly the major contributors of SO2. For the chemical composition of fine and coarse particles, sulfate and ammonium were distributed in fine particles, and nitrite, nitrate and chloride were distributed in coarse particles. The major salts existed in fine particle were (NH4)2SO4, and in coarse particles were salts of nitrite, nitrate and chloride. The sodium and chloride concentrations in coarse particles were highly positive related, indicated that the sea-salt aerosols were the major contributors to coarse particles. 
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出版者 東海大學環境科學系 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 細微粒;粗微粒;酸性氣體;酸性氣膠;臺中縣;沙鹿鎮