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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺中縣梧棲漁港地理實察課程設計與其評估之研究 
作者 梁琪琬 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 143 
中文摘要 本研究目的是分析梧棲漁港的地理實察教學資源,設計梧棲漁港地理實察課程並探討地理實察教學法融入高中通論地理的學習成效.梧棲漁港的教學資源可以搭配的通論地理主題有地圖(包括比例尺、方向、方位角)、海岸地形、土壤與生物、漁業、交通與運輸、觀光.研究者在設計活動手冊之前就目標、內容、對象、地點、材料、方法提出問題,進行評價,據此來設計學習手冊.本研究採用準實驗研究法,以清水高中一年級兩個班共83個學生為研究對象,其中一班為實驗組,男生20人、女生21人,採用地理實察教學法;另一班為控制組,男生20人、女生22人,採傳統教學法.本研究進行實驗教學,探討教師採用傳統教學法和地理實察教學法在高一通論地理教學對學生的學習成就是否有顯著差異;並以地理實察回饋問卷,來探討學生的學習感受. 
英文摘要 The purposes of this research are to analyze the teaching resources of geographical fieldwork in Wuci Fishing Port, to design a curriculum based on the geographical fieldwork of Wuci Fishing Port, and to evaluate students' learning achievement when the geographical fieldwork method is incorporated into the General Geopraphy topics in senior high school. Several General Geography topics, such as maps(including scale, direction, bearing), shore topography, soils & creatures, fishing, communication &transportation, tourism, can be incorporated into the teaching resources for Wuci Fishing Port This research adopts a quasi-experimental research method. Eighty-three first-grade students out of two classes in Ching-Shuei senior high school participated in this research. One class was assigned to the experimental group with 20 boys and 21 girls, instructed with the geographical fieldwork method. The other class was the control group with 20 boys and 22 girls, instructed with the traditional teaching method. This research aims to investigate if there is a significant difference on their learning achievement between the above two groups. Besides, with the help of the questionnaire on the learning attitude toward the geographical fieldwork teaching method, this research investigates students' learning achievement and attitudes. 
出版者 國立彰化師範大學地理學系 
出版地 彰化市 
關鍵詞 梧棲漁港;地理實察;通論地理主題;臺中縣;梧棲鎮