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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 由地圖分析林木產業發展對東勢聚落空間之影響(1895-1986) 
作者 徐英豪 
出版日期 2004 
中文摘要 本論文是以林木產業發展的過程,探討對於聚落空間構成影響與變遷的研究.以東勢聚落受到日治時期、國民政府時期,二政治分期的林木產業發展,探究聚落空間的改變以及與產業相互構成的關係.整體研究過程,以歷史時程為主軸,產業與聚落空間為切入的議題,進行東勢聚落的特定產業與空間結構的討論. 研究方法依日治時期與國民政府時期分別進行地圖分析,透過地圖訊息與歷史文獻的交互對照,將林業對聚落之影響分為直接性、間接性、連接性、支持性、服務性等五項實質因素,進行不同年代地圖之分項解讀分析以及抽離套疊的操作.在圖形套疊出現差異之處,輔以歷史文獻、現況訪查的印證,歸納、推導其變因.最後將五項因素進行歷時性的分析,並依所屬關係合併為林業、交通、聚落三大系統做為比較,以瞭解東勢聚落在歷時性的發展脈絡中,林木產業與聚落空間演替性的涵構變化.經由上述研究觀點與方法的進行,最後本研究主題與內容的討論聚焦於: 一、各個政治分期下之林木產業演變對東勢聚落空間的實質影響與關聯性. 二、利用地圖分析林木產業與聚落的實質影響因素. 在整個影響變化的討論中,林木產業的經營變向扮演著重要的關鍵因素.在二個時期中,林木產業經營政策的不同,從日治時期制度化樟腦事業與官營八仙山林場開發,到國民政府時期八仙山林場與大雪山林場經營移轉,形成分期階段性程度不一的影響.聚落空間則在林木產業的經營方向、交通系統、與接續性開發經營的共同作用之下,產生空間功能意義的轉變與空間結構的變化.從聚落分佈在林木產業之地理空間的定位,由日治時期以服務功能為取向的角色地位,轉變至國民政府時期與林業產業經濟結合的發展特色,而林木產業管理據點的遷移與區域運輸功能的改變,形成分期階段林木產業設施與聚落空間的結合情形.聚落空間元素在分期階段受到林木產業不同的影響效應,產生聚落核心區域、邊界、居住密度、軸線、公共設施的變遷現象.從林木產業演變對東勢聚落空間影響之關聯性分析所得之結果,以詮釋聚落空間元素的形成背景與林木產業產生交互影響的過程. 
英文摘要 The study is concerned about the influence of forestry development on settlement spatial change during the Japanese occupation period and Nationalist government period. The forestry industry and spatial development in Tung-Shih are, in accordance with historical time, the subjects of the study. Map analysis is used as the research method. It is applied to investigate those relevant maps found and selected from the Japanese period and National governments period. Through the investigation of maps one against another, along with the historical documentation, the influence of the forestry development can be divided into five substance factors: direct, indirectly, conjunction, support, and service. The maps with different periods of time are superimposed to expose their differences and changes. Following that, these differences and changes are analyzed and explained with the assistance of related literature and interview. Finally, the findings are summarized into three basic systems for comparison. They are forestry, transportation, and settlement systems. Based on the afore-mentioned research viewpoints and method, the theme and contents of the study are focused on: 1.The impact of forestry industry on the settlement space of Tung-Shih. 2.The use of map as the analytical tool to find out the relations between the forestry industry and settlement space. It is found that the management of the forestry industry plays a leading resulted in different role in this study. Different operation policies applied in the two periods performance in the Pa-Hsien-Shan forestry and the Ta-Hsueh Shan forestry business. Each period had different influence on the development the settlement space of Tung-Shih. The function, meaning and structure of settlement space are changed by the coordinated function of the management direction of forestry industry, transportation system, and continuous development and management. 
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出版者 東海大學建築學系 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 臺中縣;東勢鎮;聚落空間;林木產業;地圖分析;空間變遷