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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 東勢林場螢火蟲生態研究 
作者 吳加雄 
出版日期 2000 
頁碼或冊數 38 
中文摘要 從1998年11月至2000年4月,選擇東勢林場進行場內螢火蟲資源的定性及定量調查,經1年多的調查發現東勢林場共有螢火蟲5屬9種即熠螢屬之黑翅螢(Luciola cerata)、紅胸黑翅螢(L. kagiana)、大端黑螢(L. anceyi)、端黑螢(L. gorhami);脈翅螢屬之梭德氏脈翅螢(Curtis sauteri);窗螢屬之大窗螢(Pyrocoelia praetexta)及紅胸窗螢(P. formosana);短角窗螢屬之橙螢(Diaphanes citrinus);及垂鬚螢屬之雙色垂鬚螢(Stenocladius bicoloripe).其發生時間分別是:黑翅螢成蟲從3月底至5月中旬,大端黑螢成蟲從4月初至4月中旬,紅胸黑翅螢成蟲從4月初至4月中旬,端黑螢成蟲從7月中至7月底,橙螢成蟲從10月中至11月初,大窗螢成蟲從10月底至11月底,梭德氏脈翅螢成蟲從5月初至5月中旬,雙色垂鬚螢成蟲出現在10月底,紅胸窗螢成蟲出現在3月初到3月底.而以發生數量來說,3月到5月,以黑翅螢為優勢種;6月至7月則是大窗螢幼蟲及端黑螢成蟲最常見;8月至10月以大窗螢幼蟲及橙螢幼蟲最常見,11月則是橙螢及大窗螢成蟲最常見;而從11月至次年4月以端黑螢及黑翅螢的幼蟲為最常見.東勢林場內螢火蟲資源目前所面臨的問題有小木屋太多及螢火蟲棲地附近燈光所帶來的的燈光干擾、整地造成的棲地破壞、賞螢遊客的捕捉及賞螢時手電筒所帶來的干擾、經營管理者的態度. 
英文摘要 A qualitative and quantitative census of fireflies was conducted in Tungshih forest from November 1998 to April 2000, with 9 species fireflies found in Tungshih forest, Luciola cerata; L. kagiana; L. anceyi; L. gorhami; Curtis sauteri; Pyrocoelia praetexta; P. formosana; Diaphanes citrinus and Stenocladius bicoloripe. The result of qualitative census : the adult of L. cerata, late March to mid-April, larva, August to next March; the adult of L. kagiana, early April to mid-April, the adult of L. anceyi, early April to mid-April, the adult of L. gorhami, mid-July to late July, larva, November to next April; the adult of C. sauteri, early May to mid-May, the adult of P. praetexta, late October to late November, larva, mid-May to early-October;the adult of P. formosana, early May to late May, the adult of D. citrinus, mid-October to early November and the adult of S. bicoloripe, late October. The adult of L. cerata was most visible between March to May. The larva of P. praetexta and the adult of L. gorhami were most visible between June to July. The larva of P. praetexta and the larva of D. citrinus were most visible between August to October. The adult of D. citrinus and P. praetexta were most visible in November. The larva of L. cerata and L. gorhami were most visible between November to next May. The larva of these species were inhabited the surface of the earth and they eat the snails, the snail in their habit were Phaedusinae, Achatina fulica, Patalochlamys formosana, Acusta tourannensis, Aegista ﹙Plectotropis﹚mackensii, Cyclophorus formosaensis moellendorffi , Patalochlamys vesta , Bradybaena similaris. 
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出版者 國立臺灣大學昆蟲學研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 螢火蟲;螢火蟲相;東勢林場;臺中縣;東勢鎮