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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 屏東地區孕婦實施胎教的經驗歷程之探討 
作者 莊秀全 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 158 
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討屏東地區孕婦實施胎教的經驗歷程,採用質性研究深度訪談法,以立意取樣,訪問16位屏東地區(屏東市、鹽埔鄉、萬丹鄉、崁頂鄉、長治鄉、新園鄉、枋寮鄉、三地門鄉)懷孕36~40週有實施胎教的正常孕婦;研究者將所有訪談過程錄音及轉錄為行為過程紀錄,再以質性內容分析法進行系統性資料分析、歸納為下列五個主題概念:(一)驚喜與冀盼~十月懷胎的心聲.(二)啟蒙與扎根~孕婦的胎教觀.(三)傳承與形塑~胎教經驗面面觀.(四)迴響與蛻變~孕婦實施胎教後之感受.(五)無奈與牽絆~影響孕婦實施胎教的因素. 
英文摘要 This study was undertaken to find out the experiences of prenatal training for pregnant women in Pingtung area. The study was designed by employing in-depth interview to warrant a qualitative research. There were 16 pregnant women with gestation of 36~40 weeks applied for prenatal training. All of them were from Pingtung area which included Pingtung City, Yanpu, Wandan, Kanding, Changji, Sinyuan, Fangliao and Sandimen Township. The entire interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed with qualitative content analysis. 
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出版者 南華大學生死學系 
出版地 嘉義縣 
關鍵詞 屏東縣;新園鄉;崁頂鄉;孕婦;胎教;經驗歷程