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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 宜蘭縣政治菁英流動之研究 
作者 吳振坤 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 297 
中文摘要 從歷屆選舉至今,有多少政治菁英在選戰之中載浮載沈,忽上忽下,此種歷程,不得不令人興起研究他們在選戰中獲勝、失敗及連任或不再連任之因素.但政治菁英的流動,透過組織(家族、派系、政黨)的運作與動員之間夾雜著許多政治角力的過程,而宜蘭研究目前乃是政治的顯學,實在有必要作更深入的研究. 
英文摘要 During the history of elections there have been many of the political elite who have risen and fallen, won and lost, the process arouses great interest and a desire to understand the reasons for victory and defeat, and know why the political elite are unable consecutively to keep their official status, and show sufficient mobility (adaptability) to overcome the many changes, political struggles, and movements within their, clans, factions and political parties. An earlier study of I-Lan County politics remains significant and highly relevant. 
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出版者 佛光人文社會學院公共事務學研究所 
出版地 宜蘭縣 
關鍵詞 宜蘭縣;政治菁英;政治流動;家族;派系;政黨