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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 基隆市和平島發展生態旅遊現況調查及推動策略之研究 
作者 楊景勻 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 116 
中文摘要 本研究目的係針對基隆市和平島發展生態旅遊作現況調查,以及探討遊客及一般民眾對該地區旅遊行為模式,評估發展生態旅遊可行性及對未來發展策略提出建議,研究方式主要以文獻整理及問卷調查蒐集所需資料並統計分析.研究主要結果為:基隆市和平島有豐富的自然及人文資源,到訪遊客旅遊目的以參觀地質景觀、古蹟遺址及水域活動為主,並有很高的重遊意願,對和平島的發展期待則以地質公園及漁人碼頭為最,同時認為主管機關對此區最應有之作為亦為自然景觀及生態的維護及保育.另由經濟效益評估得知基隆市和平島未來發展方向,因此本研究希望根據分析結果提出可行性建議包括儘速訂定發展策略,實施工程減量及復育,加強規劃基礎公共服務設施及交通服務系統及重新評估經營管理方針等供決策者參考. 
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to understand status of ecotourism on the Heping Island in Keelung city, and to discuss behavior of visitors and citizen, and to evaluate the feasibility and to figure out strategies for developing ecotourism on the Island. The methods using for data collecting was through literature collection and questionnaire and further analyses. Base on the study findings; the main conclusions were drawn as follows: Heping Island is abundant in not only natural resource but also cultural resource. Visitors mainly enjoy its landscapes, heritages ,and maritime activities, and is willing to visit again sometime. The construction of geographic park and fisherman port is most welcomed by the visitors. The establishment of managerial system to engage nature conservation is the most urgent issue in the near future. This proposal expects to propose suggestions by the study result to benefit the development of Heping Island and to provide information to making decisions. 
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出版者 國立臺灣海洋大學應用經濟研究所 
出版地 基隆市 
關鍵詞 生態旅遊;推動策略;基隆市