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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 鄉村社區總體營造之實踐:以彰化埔鹽鄉永樂社區為例 
作者 陳育暄 
頁碼或冊數 117 
中文摘要 本研究以彰化埔鹽鄉永樂社區為範例,針對意見領袖進行深度訪談、並對一般居民做「社區意識」的問卷調查,並輔以研究者對社區活動的參與,目的在探討鄉村社區意識的形成與營造過程.研究的目的有以下幾項:永樂社區「社區意識」是否形成?若已形成,其原因與過程?不同屬性的基本資料和「社區意識」的關係?影響社區營造工作之成功因素?鄉村社區總體營造面臨的課題及因應的策略? 
英文摘要 Community totality management has been expond in Taiwan. Government or people group spent time and money very much. However, how to reach the great benefit to save cost in optimum method ? It’s important to discuss practicing of successful community totality management . This research uses the questionnaire survey to community resident, interview to community leaders, and the research worker take part in community activity for data collection. The aim is to understand the degree and formation of sense of the community. The Yeong-Leh community was selected as research community. 
出版者 國立彰化師範大學地理學系教學碩士班 
關鍵詞 彰化縣;埔鹽鄉;社區;鄉村社區;社區總體營造;社會資本;社區意識