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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 月眉育樂世界馬拉灣水上樂園遊客滿意度之調查研究 
作者 郭文德 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 64 
中文摘要 本研究想要探討遊客對於旅遊地點的旅遊滿意度是否會影響重遊意願,進而影響該地的旅遊人數.研究對象為月眉育樂世界之馬拉灣水上樂園的遊客,透過遊客對園內各項設施品質、服務態度與消費價格等因素的滿意度,進而探討其重遊意願,瞭解不同屬性遊客與滿意度之關係,並將實證發現提供業者作為研訂營運策略之參考. 本研究採隨機抽樣方式進行問卷調查,有效樣本數共計6,851份.主要以描述性統計分析、卡方檢定、交叉分析、變異數分析來探討遊客之滿意度.綜合本研究探討水上樂園遊客對園區各項滿意度之調查結果,可歸納成下列四點結論. 一、遊客社經背景資料方面:調查結果多以25~44歲之間上班族的女性居多,大部份都是第一次到水上樂園遊玩,且同遊人數介於4~8人之間,於10~12點或16~17點入園居多,居住地區以台北縣市、桃園縣、台中縣市為大多數,所需耗費交通時間平均為2小時左右.而遊客之個人月收入大都介於二萬元∼未滿七萬元之間,所佔比例達樣本數一半以上,遊客於一年內會再次光臨馬拉灣水上樂園的比例亦高達一半以上. 二、遊客重遊意願之交叉分析:願意重遊的遊客之男性與女性的比例並無明顯的差異,多為20~24歲之間初次來玩的遊客,且為個人月收入介於二萬元至四萬元之間的上班族,大部分來自台北地區的小團體(四至八人),其選擇入園時間介於10~12點之間. 三、遊客入園原因與重遊意願之交叉分析:夜間遊客因星光票票價的吸引而願意重遊的比例最高,比例為25.4%,其次為因晚上較涼爽而願意重遊的遊客,比例為18.5%.而不會再次光臨的遊客,以園區夜間整體環境因素的影響最低. 四、遊客滿意度分析方面:本研究發現遊客對園區之「各項營業設施服務人員態度」的滿意度最高,「各項設施品質及便利性」次之,而「各項消費價格合理性」最為不滿意. 
英文摘要 The number of tourists is important to the scenic resort, and hence the willingness of revisiting will be crucial for the management. In this study, it focuses on the influential factors of customer satisfaction of the amusement park such as the quality of facilities, the attitude to the customers and the price, etc. Furthermore, it will discuss the relationship between the demographic characteristics and the satisfaction of visitors. The theme amusement park “Mala Bay of Yamay Discovery World” was used as the case of this study. This study uses descriptive analysis, the Chi-square test, Cross Analysis and ANOVA test with 6,851 valid questionnaires as collected by random sampling and obtains the following major empirical findings: The majority of the tourists are aged 25-44, working woman, the first time to be there, for company with 4-8 people, entering the park about AM10-12 or 4-5 PM, residing at Taipei, Tao Yuan or Taichung, spending about 2 hours on transport, working with monthly salary between N.T$20,000-70,000 and going to visit here again more then 50﹪of the sample intending to visit Mala Bay again. The major findings for the daytime visitors are as follows: based on the interactive analysis between demographic characteristics and customers satisfaction, the groups of customers showing a higher degree of willingness in revisiting include first time visitors aged between 22 and 24, working fellow countrymen with monthly salaries ranging from N.T.20,000 to N.T. 40,000, residing in Taipei metropolitan Area with the traveling size with 4 up to 8 persons, entering the park primarily during the time period AM10 to noon. No significant differences have been found between male and female visitors. The major findings for the nighttime visitors are as follows: Again, based on the interactive analysis between demographic characteristics and customers satisfaction, it is founded that the willingness to revisit primarily is induced by a reduction in ticket price and is enhanced by the nicer consumption surroundings, e.g., a relatively lower temperature. As for visitors who decide not to pay a revisit, the overall consumption surrounding is of least concern. General speaking, the customs have shown highest degree of satisfaction on the attitude of the attendant and satisfaction on the price of commodities in the park. 
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出版者 朝陽科技大學休閒事業管理系碩士班 
出版地 臺中縣 
關鍵詞 重遊意願;顧客滿意度;遊客屬性;問卷調查;月眉馬拉灣;后里鄉