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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 寺廟建築生命史-臺灣府城隍廟之研究 
作者 郭國壐 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 149 
中文摘要 在臺灣傳統漢人社會中,廟宇是社區活動之主要中心,是該地區之精神地標.它不僅是一處宗教重鎮,更是本土文化、政治、經濟、社交、教育、娛樂之活動場所,其社會功能相當明顯.雖然不及昔日農業社會時期的重要,然而它的社會功能仍舊存在,僅是有些改頭換面罷了.在這個現代化工商業發達的時代,廟宇之存在對於「臺灣民間信仰」之保存,實在功不可沒,因為廟宇除了本身靜態的祭祀對象、祭祀空間、宗教信仰文物等之外,以廟宇為中心所發展出的動態活動、慶典及習俗等,更是臺灣傳統宗教信仰文化中重要成分. 
英文摘要 Traditionally, in Taiwan’s Han-people societies, temples are the centers of community activities as well as the local spirit landmarks. Temples not only perform the functions of religion, but also activity loci of local culture, politics, economy, social gathering, education and entertainment. Though the community importance of temples is not as much as that of past agricultural societies, however, the social values of temples are still significant with social functions in different appearances than ever. In modern highly-industrialized times, temples contribute a lot to the conservation of “Taiwan folk belief”. Since they not only statically act as the sacred objects, sacred places and artifacts, but also dynamically provide religious activities, ceremonies and customs, which are the consequential element of Taiwan traditional belief. 
出版者 樹德科技大學建築與古蹟維護研究所 
出版地 高雄縣 
關鍵詞 生命史;寺廟建築;宗教信仰;歷史變遷;興建;臺南縣