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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 屏東縣來義鄉排灣族藥用植物之多樣性研究 
作者 吳登杭 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 100 
中文摘要 本研究紀錄屏東縣來義鄉排灣族的民族植物,計有蕨類植物、雙子葉植物、單子葉植物共98科308種.經訪談當地長老21位,得知排灣族藥用植物有32科47種,其治療疾病類目分為藥用飲料、皮膚疾病、筋骨酸痛、腸胃疾病、頭痛發燒、眼疾、心血管疾病、婦科、牙病及其他共10大項.藥用植物除了拉丁學名、中文名,也紀錄其排灣族語名,並詳述其使用部位、方法與治病療效.在治療疾病類目中,以婦科之資料提供者共識因素(FIC)0.92為最高,以皮膚疾病所佔物種(44.68%)為最多.採用歧異度指數評估藥用植物,得屏東縣來義鄉排灣族的藥用植物Shannon氏歧異度指數為1.56,且利用稀釋曲線法程式算出期望的物種數,並繪出稀釋曲線圖. 
英文摘要 This research records the ethnobotany plants of Pingtung County Laiyi Paiwan tribe. It has 98 families and 308 species which includes Pteridophyte, Dicotyledon and Monocotyledon. After interviewing 21 local elders, we know that there are 32 families and 47 species of Paiwan medicinal plants which can cure disease like beverages, dermatosis, muscles ache, intestinal and stomach trouble, headache fever, eye illness, cardiovascular disease, department of gynecology, tooth problem and others. The medicinal plants not only take down its Latin name, Chinese name and Paiwan name but also record its apply portion, method and curative effect. For the items of illness curativeness, the highest factor of informant consensus (FIC) 0.92 is department of gynecology, but dermatosis have the most big percent (44.68 percent) of species. Evaluate medicinal plants by diversity index, We can get the value 1.56 of Shannon diversity index. Moreover, the Kreb’s Ecological methodology program was used to calculate the expected number of species and to figure the rarefaction curves. 
出版者 國立屏東科技大學森林系研究所 
出版地 屏東縣 
關鍵詞 資料提供者共識因素(FIC);屏東縣;來義鄉;排灣族;藥用植物