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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 支援新竹科學園區科技企業新創公司之經營模式 
作者 陳郁甫 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 62 
中文摘要 本研究拜訪十六家園區新創公司,其業務皆為支援新竹科學園區廠商為主.目的在於了解其創業的動機、創業的風險、創業的資金來源、創業的成功因素為何.透過文獻收集與個案訪談分析發現,這些創業模式為先至業界累積經驗、了解市場需求、掌握技術然後才開始創業;資金來源主要為自有資金、朋友及家庭借貸.主要的經營風險為客戶源是否穩定,以及避免呆帳的產生.在成功的關鍵因素上,主要為規模經濟、成本控制、售後服務.因此,支援科學園區企業之新創公司的創業型態應多屬於市場拉力所形成. 
英文摘要 This study interviewed 16 start-up companies in Hsinchu Science Park area. These start-up companies have a commonality that they all supply or support to established Hsinchu Science Park companies. The purpose of this study is to understand the motivation to setup a company; the major risks faced by any start-up comapnies; the main sources of capital including self-funding, and loans from friends and family members. The major risk of running the business lies in whether the customer relationship is steady and the avoidance of bad debts. The KSFs include scale economy, cost controlling, and after-sale service. Moreover, most of the start-up companies believed that they were pulled by the market opportunities rather than pushed by new technologies. 
出版者 國立交通大學科技管理研究所 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 新竹市;關鍵成功因素;創業類型;中小企業