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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 Kano二維品質模式於服務品質衡量之應用研究-以新竹市大型百貨公司為例 
作者 謝成荃 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 64 
中文摘要 本研究擬採用Kano二維品質模式之應用,盼望能為百貨業提供另一種改善品質的方向,以做為未來加強服務品質之參考;另一方面,並調查不同人口統計背景的消費者,對百貨公司的品質要素是否有顯著不同的看法,最後則是探討消費者對百貨公司的整體滿意度是否會影響其再度消費之意願. 
英文摘要 It is due to the fact that the development of the department stores is closely related to the nation's economic advancement. In addition, our demand for service quality is getting higher and higher, so department stores that wish to raise their market share and profit have all engaged to improve their product and service quality. As time goes by, the definition of quality varies. Therefore, how to find the way to measure quality base on customer's aspect is a deserving problem. This study of service quality by Kano's two-dimension quality model mainly hopes to provide a quality-improving way for department stores. 
出版者 國立交通大學管理科學系 
出版地 新竹市 
關鍵詞 新竹市;百貨公司;服務品質;Kano二維品質模式