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主要題名 地方產業之變遷與再生:以花蓮縣瑞穗鄉咖啡產業為例 
作者 蔡桂吉 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 217 
中文摘要 台灣咖啡史上最大的產地為花蓮縣瑞穗鄉舞鶴台地,該設備完善的咖啡農場為住田物產株式會社投資成立,雖然因年代久遠咖啡農場已不存在,然而咖啡卻從未在舞鶴台地上消失.瑞穗咖啡曾盛極一時,但有關瑞穗咖啡的產業史料並不完整,研究者試圖重新建構出日治時期住田舞鶴農場的景像,並加強其文化內涵,運用咖啡文化遺跡及耆老記憶作為咖啡產業再生的助燃劑,讓瑞穗咖啡產業能更向下紮根,在咖啡觀光產業發展中增添再生能量. 
英文摘要 According to information we found that the most thriving era of growing coffee was in 1941. The record of largest coffee habitat in Taiwan was Wuhe terrace in Rueisuei Township, Hualien-harbor County. There was a big company named Jhutian Co., Ltd. which was established by colonizers, and started investing lots of money to grow coffee trees on Wuhe coffee pasture. The coffee pasture is not existed since the time flies; however, we can still trace and recall some historical memories now. What we know with more certainty is that the data of coffee history on the period of Taiwan under Japanese colonial rule is not retained completely. 
出版者 國立花蓮教育大學鄉土文化學系碩士班 
出版地 花蓮市 
關鍵詞 花蓮縣;瑞穗鄉;咖啡;文化產業;產業變遷;產業再生