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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 文化差異下「跨國婚姻的迷魅」 : 以花蓮縣吉安鄉越南新娘的生命經驗為例 
作者 張鈺珮 
出版日期 2002 
頁碼或冊數 171 
中文摘要 從女性主義觀點探討台越跨國婚姻中越南新娘嫁台的生命經驗.試圖瞭解遠嫁來台的越南新娘原鄉的生活情形,她們在婚前有什麼樣的憧憬與期待?新國度的生活境遇如何?以及這是她們心目中所期待的婚姻嗎?如若不是,她們如何再做抉擇?在此問題意識的背景下,筆者以花蓮縣吉安鄉為田野地點進行探究,採取質化研究途徑,藉由參與觀察以及長時間的深度訪談來書寫越南新娘的生命歷程. 
英文摘要 This thesis intends to probe the life experience of Taiwan's Vietnamese brides from feminism viewpoint. Firstly I will attempt to understand their situation in their own country, before emigrating to Taiwan, looking at their expections of marriage. I will then prodeed to showing their new situation after having emigrated to Taiwan discussing how their expectations measure up to the reality of being a foreign bride. Follow the subsequent choices I will target women of this profile in the greater Hua-Lien and Ji-An ares uses the quality perspective as well as practical participation, observation and deep discussion. 
出版者 國立花蓮師範學院 
出版地 花蓮縣 
關鍵詞 花蓮縣;吉安鄉;外籍新娘;跨國婚姻