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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 露天礦場邊坡穩定分析研究─以花蓮新城山大理石礦場為例 
作者 王永妙 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 120 
中文摘要 九二一大地震發生後,有關地質潛在災害備受重視,且成為政府防災的重點工作.依據露天礦場近二十年之重大災變統計資料顯示,落石、崩塌災變合計所發生次數及死亡人數所佔比例均高達50﹪,亟需對此類礦場之邊坡穩定進行分析研究,並提出防治措施與方案,以維礦場安全並利水土保持.台灣地區目前礦業重心在東部,大部分露天礦場在花蓮,因此本研究特別以亞泥花蓮新城山大理石礦場為研究對象. 
英文摘要 Since the September 21 earthquake hit Taiwan, the government has attached great importance to the potential geological disaster and has considered its prevention a key task.According to the statistics on major open pit disasters over the past 20 years, both the total number of fallen rocks and landsides and the deaths of people caused have reached as high as 50 percent.Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an analysis and research on the stability of slopes at those open pits and work out measures and put forward a plan to prevent and control them so as to promote safety in open pit production and water and soil conservation.Today, our mining industry is mainly in eastern Taiwan, and most of our open pits are in Hualien. Therefore, this research is exclusively targeted for Asia Cement Plant’s marble pit at Hsinchengshan in Hualien. 
出版者 國立臺北科技大學材料及資源工程系碩士班 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 花蓮縣;新城鄉;露天礦場;大理石礦場