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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺灣布農族Tamahu聚落近代文化變遷之研究---以氏族移動、宗教信仰改宗為例 
作者 顏浩義 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 164 
中文摘要 Tamahu聚落,1953年國民政府透過集團移住將散居山中之布農族全部集中遷移居住,使原本「散村」型態形成為「集村」型態之聚落,為高雄縣桃源鄉建山村,主要人口以布農族郡社群為主. 本研究旨在探討Tamahu聚落形成與現況,從其聚落演變發展過程中,建構Tamahu部落史.並以聚落之文化內容為前題,了解Tamahu聚落內各家的移入經驗及路線,做為居民追根溯源的依據;釐清Tamahu聚落居民的祭儀文化的變遷歷程,提供傳統文化復振工作的方向;分析Tamahu聚落基督教信仰之傳入與發展,教會成為聚落信仰中心,其儀式活動深深影響族人的生活及價值觀,對其聚落的功能與影響,牽動著聚落文化變遷.Tamahu 聚落的社會文化,隨著不同時期歷史環境的影響而改變,藉此切入相關文化層面,分析目前本聚落之社會文化發展與現象. 本論文就布農族聚落文化研究之內容,詳實的紀錄其人文歷史之演進,並進行文化的詮釋.以Tamahu聚落之實質環境與社會空間的特徵,可作為未來布農族聚落研究的基礎. 
英文摘要 This study is for finding out the formation and the reality of Tamahu Clan of Bunun Tribe and build up the tribal history of Tamahu clan through their transition and development of the clan. The cultural content of the clan will be used to understand the experience and routes of migration among different families within Tamahu clan. This will be served as the trace for their roots and to determine the process of change of the ritual and culture of Tamahu clan. This will also serve to provide the direction of the restoration of traditional culture. The Christian believes of the Tamahu clan, their conversion and development are analyzed to find out how the church had become faith center of the clan and how the ritual events affect the lives and values of the clansmen. It is also useful to find out the connection between the function and effects that linked to the culture change of the clan. The social culture of Tamahu clan changes with the historical environment of different ages. Through this, we cut into related cultural level and analyze the social and culture development and phenomenon. 
出版者 國立臺南大學臺灣文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;桃源鄉;布農族;文化變遷;郡社群;集團移住