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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 臺灣南鄒沙阿魯阿族社會文化之研究-以高雄縣桃源鄉為例 
作者 賴建戎 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 168 
中文摘要 鄒族分為三亞族,為阿里山鄒族、卡那卡那富鄒族、沙阿魯阿鄒族.本論文主要是探討高縣桃源鄉的南鄒-沙阿魯阿族.隨著環境空間日漸縮小,人口逐漸減少,已成為少數族群.本研究所要探究的是,以該族的社會文化為前題,就其歷史人文背景、社會組織、祭典儀式、宗教信仰等方向,切入相關文化層面,以釐清分析目前該族的社會文化持續發展與現象. 
英文摘要 Zou is divided into three tribes, namely Alishan, Kanakanavu and Lhaalua. This paper mainly deals with South Zou, Lhaalua, located in Tao-yuan Country of Kaohsiung County. Nevertheless, with the reduction of activity space, the population gradually decreases, leading to the fact that Lhaalua has become the minority nowadays. This paper, based on Lhaalua social culture, is to discuss its historical background, social organization, ritual and religion, and then further to figure out the cultural development and phenomena in this society. 
出版者 臺南師範學院台灣文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;桃源鄉;原住民;南鄒族;沙阿魯阿族;社會文化