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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 高雄縣山地鄉的區域變遷歷程 
作者 張健輝 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 136 
中文摘要 本研究將高雄縣山地鄉的歷史脈絡分成清代、日治時代兩個階段,探討國家力量進入後的轉變.以區域研究的方法,進行文獻分析、訪談與田野調查,討論經由時間的演變,或是經由不同時期的國家施為,試圖釐清高雄縣山地鄉過去長時期之發展歷程,藉以呈現原住民區域的特色. 在日治初期,由於平埔族協助日軍討伐,平埔族可能藉此次討伐的功勞停止繳納蕃租.且為了加強防範原住民,移住平埔族至三合、新興與寶來,並將三合、新興與寶來劃編為普通行政區,原住民族就在此政策下,喪失楠梓仙溪流域生存與活動範圍.至此一直維持到現今山地鄉所見的行政區範圍,所以可以見得山地鄉的行政區界的變遷,深受國家政策的影響. 從清朝的封禁隔離政策,到日治時期的各項理蕃政策,一方面反映了政府因時代情勢不同而展開的山地施政,一方面也反映國家的力量及其政府政策,無疑是對區域變遷的重要影響因素. 
英文摘要 This thesis study regional changing process from Ching Dynasty to Japanese-Ruled Period of aboriginal townships in Kaohsiung County. This thesis uses study methods such as documents and information gathering and field survey to understand the power and the mechanism of the state that affects regional change. Through the review of the policy's measures, the author analyze that the state how to construct the regional development, so as to present the regional characteristic. According to the historical document and field survey, we can find that the conflict between aborigine and Japanese was constant. The Japanese government in order to exploit resources, policy's measures were pushed into the aboriginal region continuously. So the range of the administrative area of the aboriginal region was shrinking to the mountain, and in this process, we also can find that the power of the state played an important role in the right of living, economic mode of production, and the situation of resources development. Reflecting the power of the state, was undoubtedly the important influence factor to regional changes. 
出版者 國立高雄師範大學地理學系 
出版地 高雄市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;山地鄉;三民鄉;桃源鄉;茂林鄉;原住民;區域變遷