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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 茂林地區潛在遊客意象區隔及行銷策略研究 
作者 范織欽 
出版日期 2005 
頁碼或冊數 105 
中文摘要 潛在遊客(potentialtourist)如何在眾多的旅遊目的地(tourismestination)中選擇感興趣或符合其需要的旅遊地,是旅遊行銷者亟欲探知與引導遊客的內在意向.從遊客需求方面來看,旅遊者在選擇目的地時,除考慮距離、時間、交通方式、旅行成本等一般因素外,越來越重視旅遊目的地觀感意象,通過對目的地觀感意象的認識程度,決定是否去該地旅遊,以實地的旅遊經驗以及旅遊經歷的印象,決定是否舊地重遊. 本研究首先參考有關旅遊目的地觀感意象及市場區隔行銷等文獻,並依據茂林風景區之資源與特性等,建構旅遊意象衡量工具及設計問卷,於台灣地區進行實證調查,以非茂林地區居民所持有之觀感意象為基礎,以區隔其潛在遊客市場.最後,本研究彙整結果,並就各區隔市場之特徵與差異性予以描述,研擬出行銷策略之建議,期使提供相關領域及旅遊觀光業者,選擇適合的利基市場與有效行銷策略之參考. 
英文摘要 How potential tourists sort out intriguing resorts or wherever could fulfill their necessities among all the tourism destinations, it's what tourism marketers eager to know and their intention to guide the tourists. In terms of touristic necessities, besides the general factors such as distance, timing, traffic ways and the cost, tourists would more and more value the image and slant on resorts while choosing tourism destination. They would decide where they want to go by acquiring more information about the credit and image of the resorts, and determine whether they would travel there again by the hands-on traveling experiences and impression. This study has at fist referred to some relevant literatures about the tourists' impressions and slants on the tourism destination and the segmental marketing, then based on the resources and attributes of Moalin national scenic area to build up measurement and questionnaire for traveling image, so as to carry positive investigation around Taiwan and base on non-residents' impression for Moalin to segmentalize its potential tourism market. In the end, the results were sorted out and described according to the characteristic and difference among those market segmentations, so as to work out suggestions for marketing strategies as reference for relevant industries and tourism agency to choose adequate niche market and efficient market strategy. 
出版者 國立中山大學公共事務管理研究所 
出版地 高雄市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;茂林鄉;旅遊阻礙;旅遊動機;風景區意象;潛在遊客;市場區隔