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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 影響南部橫貫公路沿線邊坡穩定因子之探討 
作者 吳政謀 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 116 
中文摘要 南部橫貫公路帶動了西岸台南地區與東部台東地區之交通運輸、觀光資源、區域建設及土地資源開發等重任.境內高山羅列,海拔差異大,受貿易風及季風交替的影響,山地雨量極為充沛.雨量為森林發育的主要條件,但森林的組成及形相受到氣溫的影響,隨著海拔之升高而逐漸轉變.由於山區道路地勢陡峭,地形起伏變化大及地質脆弱,植物生長於陡坡的立地條件下,每逢颱風、豪雨及地震過後,造成邊坡之岩石與植物體滑落導致坡面裸露.本研究針對南橫公路沿線(甲仙至埡口段)進行現地災害調查,探討沿線植物群落與道路邊坡災害之相關性. 
英文摘要 The south cross-island highway has promoted the developments of transportation, tourism, construction and land resources. Many Maintains, different altitudes and the interaction of trade wind and seasonal wind has caused abundant precipitation on the high way. Precipitation is the main factor of forest growth, but the composition of forest and the temperature are changing with different altitudes. Because of high variation of the topography, weak geology, vegetation growing on the steep slope, rocks and vegetation falls from the slope and results in bare slope. This study aims to investigate the factor causing disasters on the highway and discuss the correlation of plant clusters and the disasters. 
出版者 國立屏東科技大學水土保持系 
出版地 屏東縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;甲仙鄉;南橫公路;植物群落;邊坡災害;崩塌