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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 GPS/GIS應用於南橫公路邊坡地工環境災害調查分析與資料庫系統之建立研究 
作者 林昆賢 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 155 
中文摘要 南部橫貫公路為連接台灣南部東西岸之重要道路之一,除交通運輸外,更兼具國防軍事、區域發展、山地資源開發、觀光旅遊等功能.因此,實有必要針對該公路沿線災害作一詳細調查分析,並以資訊化方式紀錄建檔,以提供該公路未來於邊坡災害防治研擬之參考. 為求了解南橫公路沿線邊坡災害及自然環境分佈特性,本研究利用全球衛星定位系統(GPS)與地理資訊系統(GIS)針對該公路(埡口至海端段)沿線之崩塌災害進行現地定位調查及套疊統計分析.據調查分析結果,此路段之邊坡災害多發生於海拔500至1000公尺,坡度為60o~70o間之東北向及北向坡面,且以公路上邊坡為主要破壞處,其破壞形式多以土石崩落及岩塊掉落為主,而位於下邊坡者,亦發現有幾處滑動型破壞,主要係由於岩層風化作用、地表逕流集中與雨水入滲造成底土滲流及坡面嚴重沖刷所致,故邊坡之排水與裸露邊坡之抗風化處理,應為本路段災害防治重點之一. 本文另針對該路段之地工環境因素,判釋劃定不同危險程度之災害潛感路段,即以多變量分析法求取其不安定指數後,據以判定該路段沿線各崩塌處之危險程度.經劃定結果獲知,以位於霧鹿村之路段(約於霧鹿至初來間)最具潛在邊坡崩塌災害,此亦為本次現地調查災害最嚴重之路段,故此路段應被列為優先整治路段. 另亦針對現地調查與崩塌地判釋結果,配合區域內之自然環境資料、行政環境資料以及災害環境資料,建置一以GIS為主架構之資料庫系統,同時並整合甲仙至埡口段之地工環境資料庫,且以VisualBasic與AVENUE撰寫出系統鏈結程式及較具親合力之圖形化使用者介面(GUI),進而完成南橫公路之地工環境災害資料庫查詢系統. 
英文摘要 The Southern Cross-Island Highway is one of the major channels that bridged the eastern and western part of Taiwan. With the purposes of national defense, development of local community, mining of the mountain resources, traveling and tourism, it is essential to investigate the natural disasters along the roadside slope. To afford the references of future protection on the slope failures along the highway, the information system, used to creat a disaster database has been developed and introduced to this research. To understand the slope failure along the roadside and the distribution of the natural environment, the Global Position Systems(GPS)and Geographic Information Systems(GIS)with positional investigation and overlay statistics has been adopted to examine the landslide and slope failures along the Southern Cross-Island Highway between Ya-Ko and Hai-Duan. According to the examination and analysis, most of slope failures usually happened on the northeastern and northern facing slope, the elevations within 500 to 1000 meters, and the steep from 60 to 70 degrees. The major slope failures, including slope slump and rock fall, occurred on the upper slope. Because of the soil layer serious scouring on slopes triggered by the weathering of rock strata, runoff erosion and seepage flow, the slope slide has been found on the down slope along highway. Besides, the Geo-environmental investigation, the multivariate analysis and unstable index, and geographic environment factor have been conducted to evaluate the risk of slope failures along the highway. According to this analysis, the highway between Wu-Lu and Chu-Lai is the highest risk section that should be considered as the first priority to deal with. This section is also recognized as the most serious slope failures along the highway during the investigations. Finally, the Geo-Information database integrated with the database systems from Chia-Shuan to Ya-Ko has been created according to the positioning investigation of landslide, natural environmental information, government administration file and disaster surrounding data. Take advantage of this database, the Geo-Information Database Query Systems of Southern Cross-Island Highway is completed set up by integrating datalink program and Graphic User Interface with Visual Basic and Avenue scripts. 
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出版者 國立屏東科技大學土木工程系 
出版地 屏東縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;甲仙鄉;南橫公路;GPS/GIS