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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 GPS/GIS應用於南橫公路[甲仙至埡口段]邊坡地工環境災害資料庫系統之建立研究 
作者 侯峻棕 
出版日期 1990 
頁碼或冊數 177 
中文摘要 南橫公路(台20線)為台灣南部東西岸間之重要交通要道,除了經濟及運輸之外,更兼具國防及觀光旅遊功能.該公路起自台南市,經台南縣玉井、北寮,越過高雄縣甲仙、梅山往台東縣之大關山埡口隧道後進入台東縣,再經向陽、利稻等地至海端出中央山脈,終點為關山鎮,全長209公里.然沿線地質構造複雜,地層多變,岩性脆弱,再加上特殊地形條件及斷層構造穿插形成地質破碎帶,又因每年颱風豪雨(梅雨)季節帶來豐沛雨量,使公路沿線邊坡崩塌滑落災害頻傳,全線道路中斷受阻危及其運輸功能至鉅. 本研究選擇甲仙至埡口段為調查研究路廊,分別進行其災害特性之調查統計分析,得知甲仙至梅山段大部份為砂岩、頁岩與輕度變質之沉積岩,而梅山至埡口路段是以板岩及千枚岩夾砂岩地層為主,均分佈於三峽群、廬山層與畢祿山層中;沿線崩塌邊坡多發生於坡度20°~50°度之北向坡面及位於曲率半徑大之回頭彎折處,且海拔高程均介於400~1200m之間,又由於北向坡面為夏季西南氣流盛行之迎風面,因此邊坡排水與裸露邊坡岩層坡面之防風化處理應為該路段邊坡穩定治理之重點工作之一.本研究另就該路廊段之基岩性質、地形坡度、坡向、崩塌地與斷層等因子之差異性與其影響範圍,分別予以不同之權重設定,再經由GIS之計算套疊產生成果圖之總權種值,進而應用GPS/GIS科技整合技術劃定該路段之潛在災害潛感區分佈圖.除此之外,並依實際需求設計兩組查詢次系統,且以VisualBasic程式語言整合研發具視窗界面之南橫公路邊坡地工災害資料庫系統.據以作為未來該公路邊坡穩定治理及其災害防治工程規劃設計之參考. 
英文摘要 The South Cross-Island Highway (also named TAI.20th highway)is a maior critical highway contributed to economic, transportation, national defense and recreation business in the southern Taiwan. The highway with a total length of 209 km starts from Tainan City run through Central Mountain range and terminates at Guan-Shang in Taitung. The highway passes through Yu-Jin, Bei-Liau of Tainan Hsian, and Jia-Shian, Mei-Shan of Kaoshung Hsian, and enters Taitung Hsian at Ya-Kou tunnel. In Taitung Hsian, the highway goes through Shiang-Yang, Li-Dau, etc., and Hai-Duan, then leaves the Cordille'ra Central. The complicated geology structures, fragile stratum & special topography along the highway and heavy rainfalls brought by the annual typhoon and monsoon season has been recognized as major factors trigger collapsing and sliding of the highway slopes. This can jeopardize the traffic line. Jia-Shian to Ya-Kou section of the highway was selected to be investigated and studied in the research. The stratum along the section from Jia-Shian to Mei-Shan contains mainly Sandstone, Argillite and slightly metamorphosed Sedimentary Rocks. The section between Mei-Shan and Ya-Kou are mainly predominated by Slate and Phyllite. Those are classified as Sanhsia Group and its equivalents, Lushan Formation and Pilushan Formation. In the studied section, slopes failures mostly occurred at the northern slopes with steepness within 20°-50°and the U turns having large radius of curvature. The elevations of the collapsed slope fall between 400-1200 meters. Enduring head winds of the southwest air current during summer season, the northern slope aspect should be well drained and treated to prevent weathering of the rock on slope surface. According to the differences and its influential scopes of various factors, such as formation property, slope instability, slope aspect, landslide and geological fault etc., weighing number was established for counting each factor related to slope failures by GIS system. The total weighing number would be used to show the situation of disaster danger being classified in the result layouts. The GPS/GIS technology integration would be use to establish the potential disaster database system for the studied section located at the highway. Further more, two inquiring subsystems of theestablished database systems were set up on the basis of the actual requirement, and using the visual basic (VB) program language under the GUI interface enviroment. It is believed that the research can be a reference to help planning and designing of the highway slope stability treatment and disaster prevention engineering in the future. 
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出版者 國立屏東科技大學土木工程系 
出版地 屏東縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;甲仙鄉;地工災害;災害潛感區;GPS/GIS