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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 日治時代楠梓仙溪中游地區的土地開發與區域特色之形塑 
作者 曾國明 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 175 
中文摘要 本研究將楠梓仙溪中游地區的歷史脈絡分成清代、日治時代兩個階段,探討這樣一個清代邊陲地帶,於國家與資本力量進入後有何轉變.而依據「血緣和地緣」、「社會網絡」、「空間組織」之研究概念,試著由基礎的土地維生部門切入,進一步於人地關係下探究維繫人群活動的機能關係為何,最後說明人群關係下,其展現區域的空間組織與型態.本文的研究成果分為:一、土地利用的變遷;二、血緣和地緣與社會網絡;三、空間組織與型態.藉這三項針對研究目的解釋本文的研究成果. 
英文摘要 This thesis study land cultivation process from Ch'ing dynasty to Japanese-Ruled Period in Nan-Zi-Sian river mid-stream region, on the frontier of Kaoshiuang .In order to restructure the regional characteristics, we selected the power of Japanese-Ruled government in Taiwan and private Japanese corporations project to Nan-Zi-Sian river mid-stream region as the research objects. The land cultivation before Japanese-Ruled in Nan-Zi-Sian river mid-stream region, was a process of long-term interaction between Contonese(客家人) and plain aborigines, and that of construction of different life-style in both shores of Nan-Zi-Sian river mid-stream. Despite the fact that Nan-Zi-Sian river mid-stream region had been developed for a long time , the high limitation of unstable natural environment and the characteristic of traditional self-subsistent economy, which compelled the phenomena as individual isolated settlement and scattered space. After 1895, the colonialists accelerated a new growth of development of land cultivation in the mid-stream region. Modern cane-sugar refinery , camphor and afforestation enterprises established in this area. Moreover, after private Japanese corporations invested in mid-stream region, they not only had changed the land-use of the hillside around this area , but had controlled the land operation and agricultural activities. A crowd relationship also change. Under the powerful control of new style land cultivation and enterprise , many landowners and gentry appeared. They became local leaders. Local leaders almost took charge of leaders of important social and economic organizations. The important social and economic organizations became the formation of space of jiezhuangmin, the space of jingchaguan , and the space of buluomin.With agriculture , market ,school ,traffic and police system developed, Nan-Zi-Sian river mid-stream region greatly was structured. Finally, this area had changed the frontier and established tightly contact to other regions. 
出版者 國立師範大學地理研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;杉林鄉;日治時代;楠梓仙溪中游;杉林;崁頂;甲仙;土地開發;區域特色