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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 山坡地水源保護區土地開發價格變動模式之研究:以高雄縣六龜鄉寶來、新發兩村為例 
作者 杜建宏 
出版日期 1998 
頁碼或冊數 138 
中文摘要 山坡地水源保護區依規定進行環境影響評估後,可以核准開發鄉村教育設施、行政與文教設施、衛生及福利設施、安全設施、宗教建築、日用品零售及服務業、公用事業設施、古蹟保存設施及室內遊憩設施.由於開 發行為將佔用鄰近公共設施及公用設備之好處,而社會成本都由全民所負擔,頗不符合社會公平原則,再因不同土地使用,其所造成的利得亦不盡相同,如此的社會不公平現象,造成核准開發的地主獨享地價增值或高營業收入的好處,無開發或仍為山林使用者,則必安貧樂道,維持低收入生活,甚至無開發者,都因鄰近開發可能造成的污染而使土地跌價遭受無妄之災. 本研究乃針對目前山坡地水源保護區之自然環境﹑污染﹑土地使用及地價之關係作一分析,並由國內外相關法令及研究報告,作一相關因子分析,並經實地勘查及專家訪談,建立土地開發價格變動數學模式. 研究中透過「專家訪談」及「文獻回顧法」歸納出山坡地水源保護區地價的影響因子,包括坡度、省道、國小、自來水廠、警察局、活動中心、電力電信設施、觀光旅館、養豬場規模、自來水管、養豬場距離、鄉鎮 中心、地質、土壤、水文、河川污染及土地使用等17個因子.透過因子分析結果可歸類為「設施可及性」、「自然社會性」、「環境品質性」等三類因子. 為印證土地開發價格變動模式之適用性,本研究以六龜鄉寶來﹑新發兩村作為實證對象.以逐步迴歸法進行土地公告現值及實際交易地價迴歸方程式之建構,研究結果發現,水源保護區土地公告現值的影響顯著因子,包括省道、國小、電力電信設施、養豬場距離等4個因子,但僅省道此因素符合先期訊息;而實際交易地價之影響顯著因子,包括坡度、省道、電力電信設施、土地使用等4個因子,且全部皆符合先期訊息. 地價變動可由公告現值與實際交易地價之差額得知,本研究除了建構出公告現值與實際交易地價的估算方程式外,也建議從地價差額中去課取土地使用回饋及污染補償金,以符合社會公平原則. 
英文摘要 Water-source reservation districts of hillside can change in land use after passing environment impact assessment (EIA), for example village education facilities, safety facilities, retailing and service business,in-building recreation, facilities etc. Some people gain benefits and other people gain loss, so it''''s not fair. This study aims at an analysis in nature environment, pollution, landuse and land price in the water-source reservation districts of hillside,and a reference to some laws and study reports, and with the relation factor analysis, and local survey and interviews with professionals and experts. Then land use development mathematics model of price change can be established. There are seventeen effective land-price factors at water-source reservation districts: hillsides slope, highway, elementary school, water works, police station, activity center, power-phone construction, tourist hotel, the scale of pig farms, water pipes, the distance of pig farms, the center of country and town, geology, soil, hydrolysis, streampollution, and land use. According to the result of the factor analysis, it can be ascribed to three factors, including facilities-convenient, nature-society, environment-quality. In order to prove the model's fitness, the study of actual example andapplication-the village up the river of Kao-Ping Stream, Law-Long Streamas an example, Luh-Guei Shieng. The study uses Stepwise Regression to established the land price model of pronounce land value and actual dealing price. The result is that among the effective factors of pronounce land value in water-source reservation districts, highway, elementary school, power-phone construction and the distance of pig farms. Only the factor of highway commit expected information. The effective factors of the actual dealing price are hillside slope, highway, power-phone construction, land use, and all factors commit expected information. The variance of land price can be known through the difference of pronounce land value and the actual exchange price. The study not only constructs the calculating equation of the pronounce land value and the actual dealing price, but also suggests land use reward fee and pollution compensation fee be collected from the said difference to achieve the principle of social justice. 
出版者 國立成功大學都巿計畫研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;六龜鄉;水源保護區;土地開發價格變動