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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名  孕育社區博物館的過程 : 美濃經驗 
作者  宋長青 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 124 
中文摘要 這篇論文命名為「孕育社區博物館的過程-美濃經驗」,首先問的是,美濃民眾的社區意識,是如何形成的?社區意識的形成對於民眾觸及「博物館」時的交互作用是什麼?民眾對於「社區博物館」的想像又是什麼?根據生命起始孕育而養成的想法,觀察「孕育社區博物館過程」中各種互相激盪的作用力,觀察社區民眾其創造的矛盾、溝通、挫敗與希望.筆者進而把民眾對於孕育社區博物館的各種面向,定名為水博物館、菸業博物館、生活聚落博物館、美濃社區博物館作為討論的基準. 
英文摘要 The topic of the research is “the process of gestating a community museum: the experiences in Meinung.” The question first came upon is that “how is the community consciousness of people in Meinung developed.” Then, the questions following are “what is the developed community consciousness influence on people when they encounter with [museum]”; “what are the imaginations of people on [community museum].” This research is based upon the idea of the origin, gestation, and breed of life. Then to observe the interaction inside the process of gestation a community museum and the encountered conflicts, communication, fails and hope. The author tries to classify the discussed ideas of a community museum as the water museum, the tobacco museum, the living community museum and the Meinung community museum. And this classification will be the basic criterion of this research. 
出版者 臺南藝術學院 
出版地 臺南縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;美濃鎮;社區博物館