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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 高雄縣茄萣聚落之空間構成研究 
作者 傅新昀 
出版日期 2007 
頁碼或冊數 159 
中文摘要 臺灣西南沿海地區為先民自荷據以來最早開墾發展的地區,隨著其選擇居住環境的差異而造就出各個聚落中獨特的空間組織模式,特別是位於臺灣西南方二仁溪出口南側的茄萣地區,在過去三百年來歷經環境的變遷、政權轉移、計畫外力介入下,聚落正逐漸朝向和現行計畫架構融合的局面,以往的空間組織架構正逐漸地消失,故本研究以田野調查方式,經過實地調查、測繪及收集相關史料文獻,試圖以動線系統及內部建築設施去探討聚落的空間原型,並說明在歷經地形變遷後整體空間架構的轉變,並對照規劃中的都市計畫內容,描述都市計畫對聚落空間造成的改變. 
英文摘要 The coastal region of southwestern Taiwan is the first developed area during the Holland period. And each of the settlements in this area have unique model of morphological organization due to the selecting of residential environments. Especially, the Jia-Ding area which located at the south exit of Er-Ren stream, which suffered environmental change, political transform and the force of planning during the past three hundred years and these factors lead Jia-Ding area to be syncretic into present plan and have losing the used morphological organization gradually. This research uses the methodology of field investigation, mapping and literature review to discuss the original model of Jia-Ding settlement. And it also shows the exchange of morphological structure after the environmental change. This research also refers to the contents of urban planning to describe the change of morphology in this settlement. 
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出版者 國立成功大學建築學系碩博士班 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;茄萣鄉;聚落性設施;蟯港內海;空間原型;水陸交通