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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 戰後茄萣居民的經濟生活與宗教活動 
作者 李香嬅 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 198 
中文摘要 茄萣是台灣唯一全位在濱外沙洲上的鄉鎮,是台灣本島首見於漢人文獻記錄的少數幾個地點之一,荷蘭時期更成為台灣三大漁業中心,然而清領時期卻遭漠視,行政區劃直到乾隆時才定案.但是茄萣憑藉著漁業捕撈、魚塭圍築開發、漁業技術改進,戰後更取代安平,成為台灣最大捕烏基地. 本文除緒論與結論外共分為五章,第一章由茄萣的地理環境、歷史背景等因素來看茄萣如何成為台灣最早為漢人所熟視的漁業中心.第二章以人口的發展,探討清代到現在人口增長變化的情況.第三章由居民經濟生活及產業發展,瞭解茄萣四大部落經濟活動之異同及漁業的興衰情形.第四章從宗教方面來探討,以及地方居民所扮演的角色.第五章討論茄萣宗教活動中子弟陣的部分. 
英文摘要 Cheting is the only town of off-shore bar. It is one of the several dislict that first recorded in the Ham's history.In holland period, Cheting even become one of the three centersof fishery. But when Ching dynasty goverval Taiwan, Cheting was ignored which Chin-lung the emperor who decided it to be a districtive distinction. Cheting deporded on its fishing developing of fish pools and the improvement of fishery technology, then after the end of the war Ⅱ it substituted for An-ping and becoame the biggest base of mullet fashing. This thesis has seven chapters. In Chapter One, we discussed why Cheting would become the earliest center of fishery in Taiwan by its environment of geography and the background of fishery. In Chapter Two, we discussed the deneloping of populationto to find out the imcreasing of population from the Ching dynasty to nowadays . In Chapter Three, through the economy life of inhabitants and the developing of industry, we can realize the similarition and dissimilarition amony the four tribes in Cheting and the situation of the rise and decline of fishery. In Chapter Four, we discussed the part of religion and the role of inhabitants. In Chapter Five, we discussed the part of religionary activity----子弟陣. 
出版者 國立臺南師範學院鄉土文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;茄萣鄉;經濟生活;宗教活動;漁業;子弟陣