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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 實境轉譯數位形式之應用研究-以臺灣基督長老海埔教會網站首頁設計為例 
作者 曾芷琳 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 266 
中文摘要 本研究以屬於外來教派的基督教信仰之長老教會-「第四代海埔基督長老教會新禮拜堂」為例,係因其位於高雄縣湖內鄉海山村境內,自西元1910年迄今已96年宣教歷史,而在趨百週年之際其建構一座全新禮拜堂,其在「老教義」與「新建築」間表現其富傳承與新意的宗教內容,本研究透過其建築圖像的延續,因應處於數位時代之中,持續表現教義傳承的內容,乃至於精神之原則與客觀分析,以研究方法-文獻分析法、記號學理、田野調查法、問卷調查法、質性訪談法等五種,進行相關研究並用以數位設計應用 
英文摘要 This research focused on the Presbyterian Church-the 4th generation of Hai-po Presbyterian Church's new constructive new project which was located at Haisun village, Fu Nei Hsiung, Kaohsiung County. This church was founded in 1910 and church members had decided to construct a brand new church for welcoming its centennial celebration that will express the heritage and new image religious contain between the “old doctrine” and “new construction”. This research will continue its constructional symbol to respond the heritage of doctrine contain and an objectivity analysis on the principle of spirit in the digital century. There were five methods of study as follows; literature analysis, symbolic, field survey, questionnaire as well as qualitative interview in the research to proceed the relate study by using digital design. 
出版者 樹德科技大學應用設計研究所 
出版地 高雄縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;湖內鄉;數位;轉譯;長老教會;網站首頁設計