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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 蟯港內海開發之研究 
作者 薛芳明 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 160 
中文摘要 蟯港內海為台灣西南諸多內海之一,北至二層行溪,南至漯底山.約今茄萣鄉、永安鄉、彌陀鄉、及湖內鄉和路竹鄉之全部或局部地區.是台灣本島首見於漢人文獻記錄亦是最早拓墾之少數幾個地點之一.其開發最遲可至明代中期,為高雄縣境內最早有漢人移墾之地,是歷史悠久之漁業重鎮,是台灣主要之捕烏漁場,亦是高雄縣最大水產養殖區. 本文論述之時間自先住民時代開始,經荷蘭、鄭氏、清領時期以迄日治初期.歷經三百多年之演變,不管在自然環境與人文景觀上逐漸凝聚成一整體,呈現魚塭、鹽埕水陸交錯之景觀. 
英文摘要 The inner sea of Jockan is one of many inner seas in southwest Taiwan, ranging from Erhtsenghing Stream to Tati Mountain. It is located in about the areas in Chiehting,Yungan,Mituo, Hunei,and whole or part Luchu of today. It is the first record of Taiwan Island in the Han people's documents, and it is also one of the earliest reclaim lands. It is the place which the Han people first settled in Kaohsiung County , and its development could date back to the middle period of the Ming Dynasty.It is a historic and important fishery town. It is the principal ground for fishing mullets, and it is also the biggest breeding area of marine products in Kaohsiung Country. This article studies the developmental process of the inner sea's area from three parts in geography ,history ,and industry ,and investigates the motive of the early Han people who settled here. The local residents' traditional industrial activity is fishery , especially mullets. It is not only the great wealth of the fishermen along the coast , but also one of the motives of Chang and Chuan's inhabitants who immigrated to Taiwan .It had a deep influence on the area , and even on the early activities after Tidal-Land are rasing fish in ponds and fishing in the inner sea ,and then dring salts in the sun. 
出版者 臺南師範學院台灣文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;茄萣鄉;永安鄉;彌陀鄉;湖內鄉;路竹鄉;蟯港內海;開發史;浮覆地;漁業史