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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 阿蓮莊聚落發展與生活方式變遷 
作者 陳光榮 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 118 
中文摘要 阿蓮莊位於二仁溪中游的南岸,卻少有舟楫、灌溉之利.受到自然環境的限制,農業生產不足以自給,而形成特有的開拓性的農業型態.東有大岡山此一天然屏障,使本區歷來皆為政權的邊陲地帶;另一方面,卻也相對的提供豐富的農業、宗教資源,晚近更成為南台灣的佛教重鎮.而本莊扼崗山頭,成為丘陵惡地與西部平原進出的門戶;此一獨特的地理位置,造就了阿蓮莊兼有邊陲性格與地區性中地的特性.公廟清和宮自來即以地緣結合的族群所建成,隨著每月、年中、清醮等祭祀活動,更使莊民融合成一生命共同體.從公廟的交陪及通婚圈的演進,大致可看出阿蓮莊民間的互動,其與鄰近田寮鄉、岡山鎮的網絡關係,以及生活範圍的擴展.隨著大環境政治情勢改變、整體經濟的改善、交通建設的發展、莊民教育程度逐漸提升及自然環境的影響,居民生活領域逐漸擴展,本莊與鄰近地區的互動日趨頻繁,移入本莊人口日多,增加了本莊多元的文化特色.從領導階層與清醮活動的演進與行事作為看來,昔日依階層、宗族有層序的社會分工,使得人際網絡緊密的結合、民風溫厚有人情味.及至七十年代後經濟起飛後、逐漸轉變以個人主義,物質價值為取向的現代社會.阿蓮莊此一自然村發展的村落體系,在地理環境、社會環境、及莊民價值觀,三方面縱橫交錯的影響下,呈現出的社會面貌,就是此地特有的鄉土文化.此文化在宏觀上共同於台灣的一般文化景觀,細看又有其區域獨特的生活特色.如此從「大環境」中尋出共同的文化的脈絡,在「小環境」中剖析獨特的區域文化;異同之間歸納與分析,正是文化研究者所需努力的方向. 
英文摘要 Alien Village locates at the south bank of the middle of Ni-Luen Queh (二仁溪) lacking of transportation and irrigation advantage. Constrained by natural environment, Alien’s agricultural production is not self-sufficient, so as to form it’s special expanded agricultural style. The great Gangsan (大岡山), the natural barrier from eastern side, makes this area a peripheral one of political power all along history. On the other hand, it provides profound agricultural and religionary resources. Recently, Alien Village is becoming a Chief town of Buddhism in South Taiwan. Alien clutches the head of The great Gangsan and becomes the transition gate between western plain and eastern hills. This unique geological position gives Alien Village characteristics of both peripheral and regional central place.The village temple — Ching-Ho Palace(清和宮) has been constituted with different Groups integrated geologically from the very beginning. Because of some sacrifices activities held every month, in mid-year or every twelve years (called Ching-Jiao清醮), the village people in Alien have been fused as a common life community. From the evolution of friends-making around village temple and of the intermarriage-sphere, we can see the interaction among Alien village folks, the network relationship with nearby Tien-Liao (田寮)Village and Gang-San Town (岡山鎮)and the enlargement of living scope. Following with the change of big environment’s political situation, the improvement of holistic economics, the development of transportation infrastructure, the enhancement of educational level and the influence of natural environment, Alien residents have been gradually enlarging their living territory. In that sense, Alien has more frequent interactions with its neighbors and has numerous immigrants day by day, so as to strengthen its multi-cultural features. We can tell from the evolution and matter-handling style of leading class and Ching-Jiao activities that the orderly social division of labor according to different classes and Groups integrated interpersonal network firmly and people are simple, honest, unspoiled and friendly in the old days. After blooming economics in 70’s, Alien has been gradually transformed to modern society oriented by individualism and materialism.Alien Village is a settlement system developed from a nature village. This is the local homeland culture: influenced by geological environment、social environment and village people’s value, it presents deep societal appearance. Macroscopically, this culture is one part of the Taiwan’s general culture; Microscopically, it owns the unique regional lifestyle. Seeking out common culture sequences from ‘ big environment ’ and examining unique regional culture from ‘ small environment ’, and then concluding and analyzing between the differences are what the culture researchers have to put efforts on. 
出版者 臺南師範學院鄉土文化研究所 
出版地 臺南市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;阿蓮鄉;阿蓮莊;聚落發展;生活方式