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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 推展社區成人教育以凝聚社區意識之行動研究:以臺南縣善化鎮溪美社區營造為例 
作者 彭玉惠 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 201 
中文摘要 社區意識的凝聚,是社區永續發展的重要因素;而透過社區成人教育來教導民眾認識社區,解決社區共同的問題,創造社區共同的利益,促進社區民眾的互動交流,是凝聚社區意識的有效途徑.本研究是在溪美社區營造的過程中,採行動研究的方式,透過社區成人教育的推展以凝聚社區意識,在行動過程中,解決實際的問題並探討居民的學習與社區意識轉變的情況,以作為建構在地社區營造模式的基礎. 
英文摘要 Community identity is key to the sustainable development of a community. Community adult education is one of the effective means in strengthening community identity and it also helps inhabitants understand their community, solve problems, create benefits for the community, and improve the interaction between community inhabitants. Applying action research, this research investigates the development progress of Shi-mei Community during which community education has been promoted to strengthen community identity. To provide a basis of creating a suitable mode for community development and management, the action research aims to solve practical problems and to discuss the learning of the inhabitants and how the community identity changes. 
出版者 國立中正大學成人及繼續教育學系 
出版地 嘉義縣 
關鍵詞 臺南縣;善化鎮;溪美社區;社區營造