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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 社區媽媽教室組織發展歷程研究 : 以高雄縣鳥松鄉大華社區及燕巢鄉安招社區為例 
作者 蕭淑媛 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 198 
中文摘要 研究者從實務工作經驗的探究,以高雄縣鳥松鄉大華社區及燕巢鄉安招社區兩個媽媽教室為研究對象,並採用文獻分析、訪談以及觀察等質化研究方法,希望從這二個社區媽媽教室組織發展的歷程探究社區媽媽教室推展的可能性及其對基層婦女學習與生活經驗的影響 
英文摘要 The researcher used the practical working experience to examine Da-Hua community in Niao-Song village and An-Zhao community in Yan-Chao village in Kaohsiung county as samples by using the qualitative research method of literature review, interviews and observation have been chosen in this study. Therefore, it is hope to explore the possibility of community mother classroom work process and the role and tasks in the basic level female education. It is hope to explore the possibility of development of community mother classroom and the impact of the basic level female’s learning and living experience from the development process of these two community mother classroom organizations 
出版者 國立高雄師範大學成人教育研究所 
出版地 高雄市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;燕巢鄉;社區媽媽教室;婦女教育;婦女社區參與;女性意識;增能;鳥松鄉