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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 工業遺址古蹟保存區內空間真實性之探討─以橋仔頭糖廠為例 
作者 廖基淵 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 152 
中文摘要 橋仔頭糖廠(原名高雄糖廠,又稱橋頭糖廠),是台灣第一座新式製糖工廠,2000年已經停止生產糖務,目前廠區大部分都閒置中,而台灣糖業公司擬以「糖業文化園區-現地博物館」之方向為其未來發展主軸.本研究將透過現地調查、訪談與糖廠歷史脈絡歷程分析等,嘗試建立出橋仔頭糖廠空間「真實性」,作為未來橋仔頭糖廠古蹟保存區內發展與再利用之空間參考,期待再現台灣近代新式製糖工廠之風貌與都市環境共存 
英文摘要 Chiao-Tzu-Tou Sugar Factory ( originally named Kaohsiung Sugar Factory or Chiao-Tou Sugar Factory ) was the first new-type sugar factory in Taiwan. Sugar production was stalled in 2000, and most parts of the factory are currently unemployed. Taiwan Sugar Corporation has been planning to develop it into a "sugar cultural park—on-site museum". Based on on-site investigations, interviews, and the analysis on the historic traces and development of the sugar factory, this study aimed to establish the "space authenticity" of Chiao-Tzu-Tou Sugar Factory as a reference of further development and re-use of the space in the historic preservation area. It was expected to represent the co-existence of a Taiwan's new-type sugar plant and the urban environments 
出版者 樹德科技大學建築與古蹟維護研究所 
出版地 高雄縣 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;橋頭鄉;日治時期;工業遺產;古蹟保存區;真實性;新式製糖工廠