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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 應用學習單的網路化教學設計與成效分析 
作者 潘文福 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 406 
中文摘要 本研究的主要目的在於設計一個以學習單導引的網路教學活動,然後從學生的學習表現、電腦焦慮和意見回饋等方面,來分析網路化教學的成效. 本行動研究採「單組準實驗研究設計」,以高雄縣岡山國小中年級九個班級335名學生為實驗對象,接受兩學期兩階段各十八週的網路化學,第一階段是電腦基本素養教學,搭配北軟教材的虛擬光碟,學生能在區域網路內依自己進度學習;第二階段是網路主題探索教學,以網頁式學習單導引學生探索「墾丁之旅」的主題,學生將搜尋所得資料,編輯後以E-mail寄給任課老師. 
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to design a web-based instruction(WBI)with worksheet design, then to analyze the teaching effects on pupil's learning achievement, computer anxiety, and opinions concerning the teaching activities. The action research of one group quasi-experimental design was adopted with 335 subjects of 3rd and 4th grades including 9 classes of Kangshan Elementary School in Kaohsing County. Two semester's WBI was divided into two phases and each phase had 18 weeks. The virtual CD-ROM learning design for basic Internet learning skills, which was developed by Golden-Soft Inc. was utilized in the first phase of teaching. The pupils could learn from shared CD-ROM system with different speeds depending on their performance. The second phase selected the theme "Ann-Ann's Kenting Trip" including 13 learning worksheets were designed by Author. Each pupil could explore the resources regarding assigned unit topics on the WWW and mailed their assignment to the teacher's E-mail address. 
出版者 國立臺灣師範大學教育研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;岡山鎮;網路教學;教學設計;學習單;主題統整;認知風格;制握信念;電腦焦慮;教學科技