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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 社區行動的菁英參與和社會資本 
作者 吳宗仁 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 193 
中文摘要 本研究以高雄都會區邊緣三個鄉村社區—大社鄉、仁武鄉及燕巢鄉為研究區域,共成功施測76個鄉村社區菁英樣本.並且,以社區角色為指標區分鄉村社區菁英為鄉公所主管、地方民選首長、中小學校長、社會團體負責人及社區發展協會理事長五類進行比較分析. 
英文摘要 This study was conducted in three rural communities in the edge of Kaohsiung Metropolitan—Tashe town, Jenwu town, and Yenchao town.76 valid samples were surveyed .We also made use of the community role as an indicator to separate the rural community elites into five categories, as a comparison and analysis. And this includes: the township office administrators, the local representative, primary school principles, the leaders of social groups, and the directors of community development association. 
出版者 國立中山大學中山學術研究所 
出版地 高雄市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;大社鄉;社會資本;社會網絡;社區行動;社區菁英;仁武鄉;燕巢鄉