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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 高雄鳳山水庫發展觀光遊憩價值重塑之研究 
作者 林麗琴 
出版日期 2004 
頁碼或冊數 84 
中文摘要 本研究擬將自來水公司高雄鳳山水庫水源地開放供民眾觀光遊憩,一方面可讓民眾接近水、瞭解水之處理過程及認識水資源的重要性,建構一個水本社會.另一方面可以善用水源保護區之生態資源,增加一些服務活動項目吸引遊客前來觀光遊憩,不僅讓民眾達到寓教於樂之效益,且增加本公司營收.然而開放水源保護區為遊憩據點,多少會帶來環境、水污染的負面影響及驚嚇候鳥疑慮,基於供水的社會責任,對水資源之保護管理必須謹慎規劃. 
英文摘要 The protective areas of water resource that belong to TWSC are abundant in the ecological environment; however, forbidding people to go there has led to an obvious phenomenon against the unique sources shared by the masses. On one hand, this research, by opening Feng Shang Reservoir in Kaohsiung, can make people closed to water, realize the processing water, understand the importance of water resources to construct a society concerning about water. On the other hand, by using the natural resources there well and multiplying services to attract tourists, it not only has the educational function implied in entertainment but also augments income. But running the protective area of water resources as a tourist site will cause some negative effects of environment and water pollution as well as the anxiety about scaring migratory birds. Therefore, the protection and management of water resources must be under the cautious control. 
出版者 國立中山大學公共事務管理研究所 
出版地 高雄市 
關鍵詞 高雄縣;鳳山市;價值重塑;觀光遊憩;條件評估法(CVM);付費意願(WTP);鳳山水庫