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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 溪頭森林步道景觀美質評估模式之研究 
作者 黃棍琮 
出版日期 1997 
頁碼或冊數 93 
中文摘要 台灣森林資源豐富,近年來並積極開發林地供做遊樂使用.一般遊客在森林遊樂區中,賞景是最主要的遊憩活動項目.步徑是森林遊樂區最被喜愛的遊樂設施,亦是遊客賞景的主要地點.因此森林遊樂區管理單位應當維持區內步道高度景觀美質,以確保遊客能獲高品質遊憩體驗.由於景觀是屬於適意資源的一部份,難以量化,而且對於景觀美質的感受是遊客個人心理的主觀判斷.所以規劃決策者便需使用一套有效、合理的景觀資源評估方法來瞭解民眾的景觀偏好,作為規劃之參考,或土地決策上目標替換之依據.國內森林景觀經過人為之開發成森林遊樂區,由於遊憩人數日益增加,且國人愛惜自然資源知識不足,使森林景觀遭到破壞.本 研究亦希望瞭解藉由森林或景觀相關知識的增加是否可加強遊憩者對環境的愛護意願,以便在將來擬定教育計畫時,可正確掌握方向,使相關教育得到最好的收效. 
英文摘要 Woodlands and mountains are precious resources in Taiwan.The forest resources certainly mean a lot for all residents. It is partly because the abundant resources have been widely exploited recent years. A forest usually provides a place to go sightseeing or only for amusement. Virtually, most of people who visit a forest share the former reason. While people have opportunities to go sightseeing, they are trying to relax. Mostly, trails in a forest can provide this effect to people. Thus, trails have been always the most popular spots in forests in Taiwan. Walking along a trail, people could enjoy a nice atmosphere, a nice walk, and the fresh air. Since those trails are so highly emphasized, the condition of a trail become a very important task for the administration. 
出版者 東海大學景觀學系 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 南投縣;鹿谷鄉;溪頭;森林步道;景觀美質;評估