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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 泰雅族北勢群傳統工藝變遷之研究 
作者 周錦宏 
出版日期 2001 
頁碼或冊數 298 
中文摘要 本研究係以泰雅亞族及澤敖利群的北勢群,即現今苗栗縣泰安鄉梅園、象鼻、士林三村的天狗、梅園、大安、永安(麻必浩)、象鼻、馬那邦、蘇魯等七個部落為研究範圍。以文獻分析、影像分析及田野研究等研究方法,依據泰雅語、使用的材料、製作的工具、運用的技術方法等,將北勢群傳統工藝分為:織布工藝、編織工藝、匏削工藝三大類,再就其材料、工具、技術方法、製成品、社會文化脈絡等面向,探討這三大類傳統工藝的內涵。並從清代統治、日據、國民政府、原住民社會運動後等不同歷史的分期,就各時期的原住民政策、經濟發展、宗教信仰、教育制度等面向,來論述這三大類傳統工藝在各時期變遷的情形,也就是以「物」(工藝)為基礎,藉以來探討在不同特定的時空環境下,存在於某個社群的社會文化脈絡。 
英文摘要 The sampling population of the study constrained within Tayal and Tseole spreading over G'saya area, including Bay-a-nu、Ma-lu-wan、Nu-hu-ru-ma、Ma-pi-haw、Me-pu-wan、Ta-la-wan and Su-lu seven tribes located in Tai Ann countryside of Miao-Li County. The research methods concluded Documents Analysis, Photographic Analysis, and Field study. The G'saya traditional crafts was classified into:weaving skill, knitting skill, shaping skill three main categories according to their language, raw materials, tools, manufactured skills。More detail classification was divided into materials, tools, skills, and social cultural context dimensions as a horizontal axis to explore the content of the three traditional crafts, while the historical stage was divided into four ones from Ching Dynasty, Japanese colonial rule, KMT regime, Aborigine' social movement as a vertical axis, according to original inhabitants' policy, ecnomic development, religious belief, to treat of the transitions of three traditional crafts at each stage; namely, the research focused on the influence of different social cultural context on certain traditional crafts from the transition of historical stage and environment. 
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出版者 國立臺灣師範大學工業教育研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 苗栗縣;泰安鄉;原住民;泰雅族;北勢群;傳統工藝;工藝變遷