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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 客家聚落之空間性及其生活世界的建構: 以苗栗公館石圍庄為例 
作者 劉懿瑾 
出版日期 2003 
頁碼或冊數 225 
中文摘要 本文係以苗栗公館石圍庄為標的,透過人、活動、意義、空間的關聯性與場所之間的互動來探討石圍庄客家聚落之空間性與其生活世界的建構。石圍庄的墾拓與發展與其建庄設隘有關,而聚落對於文化群體而言,是具有獨特意義之居存空間,此居存空間包含了各種不同尺度的「場所」,每一個「場所」,都是文化群體透過種種人文地理現象賦予其意義和價值形塑而成。經由「中心─四方」﹙環﹚的空間形式概念為基礎,發展出當地聚落至家宅的空間性。進而探討其神聖空間之象徵界域所帶來內─外、異─同、聖─俗、自然─人文、形上─形下、安全─危險、熟悉─陌生等雙重對立的領域。 
英文摘要 This research will be based on the Shih-Wei-Chiang Village in Kung-Kuan, Miao-Li. The spatiality and lifeworld construction of the Shih-Wei-Chiang Village as a Hakka settlement are discussed through the relationship among people, activities, meanings, space and the interaction with places. The opening-up and development of the Shih-Wei-Chiang Village are concerned with the building of the village and the setting of its narrow pass. As to the cultural congregation, the village is a special dwelling space, in which various volumes of places are included with unique sense of meanings. 
出版者 中原大學室內設計學系 
出版地 桃園縣 
關鍵詞 苗栗縣;公館鄉;客家;聚落;建築;建構