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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 客家聚落與建築形式變遷之研究: 以苗栗公館石圍庄為例 
作者 陳子涵 
出版日期 2006 
頁碼或冊數 117 
中文摘要 本文旨在藉由探討以客家人為主體的聚落與建築調查,建立數位文化檔案,並分析比較其間的特徵與差異及其變遷過程。本文是採用文獻蒐集、田野調查之方式,選定兩處客家聚落及一處閩南聚落,作為調查研究對象,並以石圍墻客家聚落為例更深入探討。調查過程除引用既有文獻深入分析外,更引用最新數位資訊,還原其最早至現在之空間形式與位置,了解其原有結構,及其變遷歷程與原因。 
英文摘要 This article is for the purpose of because of the discussion by the Hakkas artificial main body settlement and the building investigation, establishes several cultural files, and analyzes during the comparison the characteristic and the difference and the vicissitude process. This article is uses the literature collection, way of the field investigation, designated two Hakkas settlements and a Minnan settlement, take the investigation and study object, and take Shi Wei Wall Hakkas settlement as example more thorough discussion. The investigation process already has the literature thorough analysis besides the quotation, quotes the most recent several informations, returns to original state its most early to space of form and the position the present, understands its original structure, and vicissitude course and reason. 
出版者 樹德科技大學建築語古蹟維護系 
出版地 高雄縣 
關鍵詞 苗栗縣;公館鄉;客家;聚落;建築