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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 產地農民生產高品質巨峰葡萄技術差異之研究:以卓蘭、新社地區為例 
作者 王秋景 
出版日期 1994 
頁碼或冊數 97 
中文摘要 在面臨加入GATT後,國外進口果品之壓力及國內生產之競爭,加以國人消費口味逐漸改變與消費水準之提昇,可預期葡萄產業將朝品質高級化以滿足消費者之需求而發展;而葡萄高級品之生產,有賴生產者技術之提升,有鑑於國內葡萄生產技術推廣工作僅賴少數學者專家實際參與且並未建立真正適合各地生產之栽培模式,本研究乃首先嘗試建立生產高品質巨峰葡萄栽培技術體系知識及採用之測度方法,並據以測定產地間及產地內葡萄農之知識程度及採用情形,並探討影響葡萄農技術知識及採用之因素。 
英文摘要 With the growing consumers' taste requirement and the increased competition after joining GATT, there is an urgent need for grape farmers to produce high-quality fruits. Searching for the most suitable and profitable cultivation system for grape farmers has become very important. The purpose of this study is to understand 'Kyoho' grape farmer's perception and adoption of cultivation techniques and to investigate factors which cause differences in their perception and adoption. 100 'Kyoho' grape farmers in Tuaolang and Shin-shieh areas are surveyed and date are analysed by stepwise regression. 
出版者 國立中興大學農業推廣教育研究所 
出版地 臺中市 
關鍵詞 苗栗縣;卓蘭鎮;巨峰葡萄;新社鄉