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資料類型 學位論文 
主要題名 鳥梨實生後裔生育特性調查、評估與矮性植株選拔模式建立 
作者 阮素芬 
出版日期 2000 
頁碼或冊數 144 
中文摘要 由卓蘭區、大湖區及三灣區三個主要橫山梨生產地區,蒐集鳥梨自然開放授粉下產生之果實,依序進行1.鳥梨果實特性調查,2.種子發芽試驗,3.後裔植株生育特性調查與評估,4.性狀間之關係及穩定性評估,5.篩選矮性後裔,6.建立篩選模式,期能瞭解本省鳥梨實生後裔植株特性及建立梨砧木矮性植株之篩選系統及模式。 
英文摘要 Open pollinated "Bird" pears were collected from Chuo-lan, Da-hu and San-wan for a series of experiments. The experiments were to be conducted by the order of (1) to survey fruit characters, (2) to conduct seed germination experiment, (3) to survey and assess the growth and the development of the seedling, (4) to evaluate the stability and relationship between plant height and other plant traits within three years, (5) to select the seedlings with dwarf characters, and (6) to establish dwarfing selection model of ‘Bird’ pear. 
出版者 國立臺灣大學園藝學研究所 
出版地 臺北市 
關鍵詞 苗栗縣;卓蘭鎮;鳥梨;實生後裔